Here is the chart analysis of a very talented singer Sheryl Crow. She is extremely intelligent and quite innovative (Mercury in Aquarius). Mercury conjunct Mars (exactly like Alicia Keys) gives a high voice and Mercury square Neptune gives her the nice tonal quality and also a talent for blues and jazz.
Moon square Jupiter (any aspect actually) adds a spiritual dimension and also gives a good public response. There is a wide Moon opp Neptune also is a very creative aspect but gives emotional misjudgements. Her Venus conj Sun and also Jupiter in the 10th house is a strong element of fame and also wealth.
There are two very difficult aspects in her chart: the Mars conj Saturn is a major accident configuration and Mars being the ruler of her 12th house, also points to the neck and head area illnesses. Mars-Saturn is a very frustrating aspect and being in Aquarius, it points to problems to do with the parasympathetic nervous system and constant frustration. The other aspect is Mars square Neptune which is a very addictive aspect and also reduces the immune system of the body. Most successful people are born with some Mars-Neptune aspect but the adverse one makes one more susceptible to set themselves up for scandals, betrayal, addictions (music or drugs and alcohol) and a nightmare scenario from time to time.
As she also has Mercury sq Neptune as part of the stellium in Aquarius, she needs some good counselling from time to time to have a better grounding. She certainly has strong humanitarian aspects and also the need to save people but has to be careful that she doesn't take on too much of other people's problems as it will affect her spine and ultimately the head area.
In July 2012 and Aug, and again from Nov 2012 to March 2013, Jupiter trines her Mercury which is a very philosophical aspect and excellent for writing, ideas for lyrics, spiritual songs and major contracts. Jupiter also trines her Mars during the same period indicating a lot of travel and high recuperative powers. As Jupiter will be transiting her first house, She will focus on self, and her attitude towards life will be more philosophical and optimistic.
However, starting in Nov till Dec 2012 and again from Mar till June 2013, Saturn starts squaring her Mars and Mercury. This is a dangerous aspect and one which repeats itself every seven years as she was born with a conjunction between these two planets which keeps getting touched off by Saturn every 7 years. With transiting Uranus transiting her 12th house also, she has to be extremely careful of spine-related problems and the head area. Little Avery was born with this which Sheryl Crow is going through by transit. These transits indicate more fame and public response and we will probably see some of her best works as Jupiter touches off her Mercury.
Saturn still in her 6th house (preventive aspects of health) till the end of this year, we would suggest for her to get regular shiatsu massage near her neck area and the back and to avoid chiropractic treatments as they can cause more damage when you are in an accident configuration. Saturn squaring her Mercury indicates difficulty in assimilating trace minerals so she can increase the dose of magnesium and potassium (those with Aquarius planets are vulnerable to nerve-related problems and memory loss) but the main aspect is Saturn squaring her natal Mars. This is one of the most frustrating aspects and affects the head area causing bursts of temper and constant impatience with any opposition to your plans. She would be well advised to starting drinking more water and to start doing regular exercises which are not dangerous so she can work off the anger.
When Neptune was on top of her chart in 2003 and touched off her Mars and Saturn, she opposed the 2003 invasion of Iraq, wearing a shirt that read "I don't believe in your war, Mr Bush!" during a performance on Good Morning America. This must have been a very stressful time for her and went on for a few years. She was right and was able to see through the deception of the politicians and Western Powers and must have affected her very deeply. Neptune Mars also indicates a nightmare period and Neptune Saturn the guilt that others probably tried to instil in her.
In February 2006, with Saturn opp Mars and following her split from Lance Armstrong, Crow was treated for breast cancer at a Los Angeles-based facility where she had surgery in late February 2006, followed by radiation therapy. Saturn was at the very bottom of her chart which is one of the lowest times in one's life and Saturn Mars is the aspect for surgery which is repeating itself from Nov 2012 for a few months (Saturn in Scorpio sq Mars and Neptune). It also makes one insecure about themselves and some mental stress.
This extremely talented artist has Saturn rising up in her chart but she just has to focus on preventive health and a lifestyle change in 2012 before she again stats coming out of hiding and more into the public life.Her best time for writing and high recuperative power is between June and Oct 2012.
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