Horoscope of Senator Edward Kenned
Capricorn Aquarius on First House cusp = Conservative/Liberal and unconventional
Mercury in Aquarius = Brilliant mind. More intellectual and conceptual than wise
Venus in Aries = Needed new challenges in love and relationships
to be continued...
-- Feb. 22, 1932: born youngest of nine children
-- 1951: Left Harvard in after caught cheating on Spanish exam, eventually allowed to rejoin in 1953.
-- June 1954: Graduates Harvard, enrolls at the University of Virginia Law School. (He graduated in 1959.)
-- 1958: Managed his first campaign-JFK's Senate re-election and on Nov. 29, married Virginia Joan Bennett.
-- Nov. 8, 1960: Brother JFK elected president
-- 1962: Runs for and wins brother's U.S. Senate seat. In March, he resigned as Asst DA in Suffolk County, MA., and announced candidacy JFK's seat when he became old enough. (Elected Nov. 6, 1962.)
-- Nov. 22, 1963: JFK assassinated
-- June 19, 1964: Breaks his back in a plane crash and was saved by Sen. Birch Bayh, father of current U.S. Sen. Evan Bayh. Jupiter in 3ed saved him. Mars in Scorpio in 9th!
-- Nov. 3, 1964: Brother RFK elected as U.S. Senate from New York. Ted Kennedy won his first full Senate term.
-- 1968: In March, RFK announces candidacy for the presidency. In June, RFK is shot and dies next day after winning the California primary.
- 1969: Chappaquiddick. Drives his Oldsmobile off a bridge and his female passenger, Mary Jo Kopechne, drowns. Kennedy escapes. The incident occured after a party for RFK campaign staffers, which included sailing and heavy drinking. Kennedy didn't report the incident for almost 10 hours and later pleaded guilty to the misdeameanor charge of leaving the scene of an accident. He receives a two-month suspended sentence and a year's probation. (On July 25th, he delivers a make-or-break, 13-minute speech addressing Chappaquiddick that many credit with saving his Senate career.) That same year, he campaigned for and became Senate whip.
-- Nov. 3, 1970: Won re-election but lost Senate Whip position
-- 1973: Son, Teddy Jr's right leg is amputated due to bone cancer.
-- Nov. 4, 1979: The infamous Roger Mudd interview in which he couldn't articulate why he wanted to be president.
-- Nov. 7, 1979: Officially announced 1980 presidential run
-- Aug. 12 1980: Withdraws from presidential race in emotional speech at Democratic National Convention
-- Dec. 1982: Announces he will not run for president in 1984 and divorced from Joan.
-- Dec. 19, 1985: Announces he will not run for the 1988 Democratic presidential nomination.
- June 11, 1991: A conservative political group files an ethics complaint against Kennedy, alleging that he violated Senate rules by his actions relating to the alleged rape. The Senate Ethics Committee dismisses the complaint.
-- Aug. 30, 1991: Testified at the William Kennedy Smith Florida rape trial. Testifies about taking his nephew and son Patrick to the nightclub where Smith met his accuser.
-- July 3, 1992: Marries Victoria Reggie, a Washington lawyer.
-- Oct. 13, 1994: Senate Ethics Committee dismisses allegations of sexual harassment and drug use.
-- Nov. 1994: Son Patrick Kennedy wins elections as congressman from Rhode Island.
-- July 16, 1999: JFK Jr and his wife, Carolyn Bessette Kennedy, and her sister in law Lauren Bessette, die in plane crash in waters off Martha's Vineyard.
-- Jan. 2002: No Child Left Behind becomes law.
-- April 5, 2004: Says Iraq has become "George Bush's Vietnam" and compares him to former President Richard Nixon.
-- May 4, 2006: Son Patrick Kennedy, a Rhode Island congressman, drives his vehicle into a Capitol Hill security barrier. (June 13, Patrick pleaded guilty to driving under the influence of prescription drugs; sentenced to drug treatment and a year's probation)
-- Nov. 7, 2006: Wins an eighth U.S. Senate term.
-- Oct. 12, 2007: Has surgery to clear a partially blocked artery in his neck.
-- 2008: Jan. 28 makes speech endorsing Obama; Suffers seizure on May 17. Diagnosed with brain cancer on May 20; delivers Democratic convention speech on Aug. 25.
-- Jan. 20, 2009: Attends Obama's inauguration as president but collapses at luncheon.
-- Feb. 10, 2009: Last vote cast (stimulus)
-- March 8, 2009: Honored at star-studded musical birthday tribute at Washington's Kennedy Center.
-- Aug. 11, 2009: Sister Eunice Kennedy Shriver, 88, dies.
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