Horoscope of Bollywood's Sanjay Dutt
Astrological Highlights
Sagittarius Rising: Many prophets were born with this placement and those who are known for their "preaching" ability and the way they communicate their message. Leo on the 9th house is the spiritual connection.
Scorpio on 12th and Neptune close to it: Sanjay's greatest weakness is any form of intoxication including drugs and alcohol. Any connection with the underworld will also undermine his interest and is part of his "secret enemies".
Moon in Taurus: Has traditional values. Enjoys history. Excellent for land and older property.
Moon opp Jupiter: Very popular with the public.
Moon square Pluto (wide orb): Bitterness and inability to reconcile with life and death situations. Moon represents the mother and he has never got over the death of his mother, the great actress Nargis.
Mercury in 9th House: Philosophical and a deep realization of truth. Like a good preacher.
Mercury in Leo: Charismatic speaker and actor. Ability to dramatize with force of conviction.
Mercury in Leo conjunct Uranus: Hallmark of nervous breakdown but in his case (with the confident Leo planets), it just points to sudden shock through one recovers.
Venus in Virgo: Very unselfish and giving in love. A real friend to have. Always helping the underdog. Health conscious. Likes vegetarian food and salads. Self pity and poor me attitude. Easy to make him feel guilty which is probably used by his girlfriends.
Venus conjunct Jupiter: Wealthy aspect to have. Socially popular.
Mars in Virgo: Very health conscious but has to be careful of bladder area problems.
Mars conjunct Pluto: Violent aspect. Probably the reason he does so many violent movies! Ability to destroy and recreate (excellent for renovations).
Neptune near 12th House: Secret love becomes secret enemy. Danger from drugs and alcohol. Healthwise, Scorpio on 12th shows danger uro-genital area including kidney and prostate problems..
Detailed Analysis
Sanjay Dutt comes from a very illustrious Bollywood family. Both his parents were great actors and his father Sunil Dutt was a "jubilee" actor, which means he was in the movies for fifty years! I met Sanjay a few years ago and he did not remember his time of birth. I met his father, Sunil Dutt in Bombay and he gave me an approximate time in the afternoon. We recently confirmed this with his sister and got the exact time of birth. His father had Libra rising, which most politicians are born with, and he became an MP in congress later on in life.
Sanjay Dutt is a very talented actor and his chart is rather similar to Sean Penn. They have been on the wrong side of the law but are also very caring for the common masses. Other actors born with Mercury in Leo and Venus in Virgo are Elizabeth Ashley, Halle Berry (beautiful voice but problems with drugs), Jennifer Lopez (Sanjay also made an album), and Natalie Wood.
I have a feeling that he has very late Scorpio rising with a lot of Sagittarius in the first house rather than Sag rising, because he can be very self destructive and his whole life has been changed by the death of his mother.
Venus in Virgo gives him the pathos and makes him really shine in sad roles. Unfortunately, it also attracts him to those who have nothing but deep psychological problems. He is not materialistic at all but luckily has Moon in Taurus which gives him a luck element with old property. His best role will probably be of a monarch who has had sadness in love and has been misunderstood. John Lennon also had Venus in Virgo and so does Mick Jagger, and it makes one like pure cotton, simple food and salads, and a talent for rhythm and music. It also makes them rather private and shy in love matters. Pierre Eliot Trudeau also had this placement and was known to lead a very private life.
His dramatic Mercury in Leo vs the shy and private Venus in Virgo can give a conflicting image to others. Underneath his confident side lies an extremely unselfish person who will do anything to help t e underdog. However, Venus in Virgo also give the "poor me" attitude and a tendency towards self pity which in his case can also be exaggerated by the Leo planets!
Moon square Pluto (wide orb and out of sign) makes him rather bitter in life and gives him a tendency to delve in the past (especially with Moon in Taurus as well) and he needs to understand that life and death are best left in God's hands. He has not got over the death of his mother and in fact never will. He needs to change all that self pity into compassion and start a hospital or other orphanages etc (he is known to give to causes).
Scorpio in the 12th house plus Neptune in Scorpio almost on the cusp gives him the addictive tendency, However, he can easily sublimate this side and focus on health and exercises and Salsa etc instead of drugs and alcohol. His undoing is his secret love with those who are married or involved with others, where "secret love" becomes secret enemy. Scorpio also represents the Mafia and the underworld. I am sure he may have been drawn to them as he loves the power (which if sublimated can lead to self mastery).
Leo on the 9th house makes him like a preacher which comes out in his movies. Unfortunately, his secret enemies may be within his circle of friends. The signs of Scorpio is not good for him at all but the signs of Gemini and Cancer are ideal compliments to his personality.
His 3rd house ruler is in the 9th house and his sister is also in the parliament. With six planets in the 9th and 10th houses, Sanjay will always be either famous or infamous but he really cannot avoid publicity! There is no difference in astrology whether you do something in real life or just act it out. Therefore the underworld roles that he plays actually offset his negative themes but may also be stimulating that side. His has played some excellent comedy roles but his best roles will involve music, pathos and sense of sacrifice which he will portray brilliantly.
May 3rd 1981: Mother, actress Nargis passed away. Uranus was the last degrees of Scorpio and moving into his First house indicating personal upheavals. It was also opposing his Moon indicating upsets in the family and mother's life.
When he got the AK-56, Moon was in his Scorpio indicating that his reflexes were down and he was dong something which will undermine his interests in the long run. In fact, Moon in Scorpio is his worst placement and can even threaten his life. He was subsequently jailed for it with Saturn at the every bottom of his 4th house and Mars in his 9th house indicating hassles with the legal system.
Nov. 1993, with Mars, Pluto, Sun and Mercury, all in Scorpio in his 12th house (jails and institutions), the charge sheet was filed against Sanjay Dutt.
Throughout 1994, Saturn was at the bottom of his chart opposing his Mars Pluto which indicates violence, temper, and authority conflicts. In July 1995, Moon was exactly at the same position as when he was born and Venus was trining his Jupiter when he was allowed to see his life partner Rhea.
Sep. 11th, 1995 (talk about strange coincidences and a hallmark of his adverse Moon square Pluto) his bail was rejected. Mars was in Scorpio and conjuncting his Neptune
Oct 18th 1995: With Pluto just about leaving his 12th house, and Moon being in Leo (his Sun sign) in his 9th house, and Jupiter trining his Mercury in Uranus as well as Mars conjuncting his Jupiter, he wa released after 15 months and was immediately in limelight.
May 25th 2005 : Uranus just started transiting his 4th house (parents and family) when his father suddenly passed away. Mars was also in his 4th house indicating strife at home.
July 31st 2007: Although he was cleared of the terrorism charges but was given six years jail for illegal possession of guns. Unfortunately, in this corrupt city where the underworld plays a major role in the movie making business where actors and directors are being blackmailed to be friendly with the mob, and their reach extends to most politicians and even the police, it is easy for an actor to be lured into their world.
Considering the fact that Sanjay Dutt never intended to do harm to anyone and got the gun at the height of violence and bombings in Bombay, to protect himself and his family (actors run a far greater risk than normal people) he has just become a scapegoat of the corrupt system. The guns were even destroyed showing that he did not intend to use them.
This was the last week when Saturn was squaring his Moon from last July (sign of depression and disappointing news for his family and his millions of fans). It was also transiting his 9th house of law while closing in to a conjunction to Mars for one year. Moon in Aquarius opposing his Uranus indicates he must have been a bit shocked by the verdict.
These are exactly the same transit of Saturn he went through in 1994 but from the bottom of his chart. With Saturn on top of his chart, he is at his peak and has much better chance of coming out of it.
However, his problems with the law will not be over till mid next year as Saturn continuously conjuncts his Mars. This is also a dangerous time for the heart and often points to surgeries relating to skin, teeth and bones. He needs to avoid crisis situations and to pace himself and be patient with the law.
His next date with the Supreme court is 20th Aug. 2007 when Moon is again in Scorpio (all his secret enemies will come out now) and in his 12th house except that is is also conjuncting his Jupiter which may help somewhat in getting temporary bail. In fact, it is the hallmark of prayers and it is the blessings of a lot of people who will help him too.
His real hassles start from mid Sep.2007 for about one year. Within this period, he also has major accident configurations from mid Sep. to mid Oct. 2007, mid Dec. to beg Jan 2008, and mid Feb. to mid Mar 2008.
Sanjay Dutt has some excellent transits from end of this year till next summer when Jupiter finally makes excellent aspects in his chart and promises lot of protection against his health as well as some very positive themes for travel.
Jupiter trining his Mercury and Uranus (sudden windfall opportunities) are both one of the luckiest breaks he could hope for and they are in effect till Dec. 2007. This indicates luck with communication especially is he takes the stand himself. One thing is for sure, with Saturn moving to the top of his chart, his popularity will increase tremendously and 2008 will find him at the peak of his career. He just has to be careful of his health and legal matters till July-Aug. 2008.
We see Sanjay Dutt moving abroad between mid 2009 till end of 2010.
We will keep you informed as the case progresses.
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