Astrological Highlights: Robert Blake: Robert Blake got trapped in an impossible relationship (Venus in Scorpio widely squared to Pluto). He also has Mars in Scorpio squared to Saturn, which is a dangerous aspect for heart and shows hot temper and lot of legal hassles. It is also one of the indicators of violence and guns, and we believe that he was actually involved in his wife's death!
He is lucky that he has Jupiter in his first house which has given him a new lease on life and a sense of freedom. However, this summer till end of next year is a dangerous time for him again unless it is pointing to more legal hassles.
He does have a very good legal mind (Mercury in Libra conjunct Jupiter) and had good aspects from Sep 2004 when Jupiter returned to its natal position in his chart.
Here are the Client #s of those of you who are also born with a major adverse aspect between Mars and Saturn and always have to be careful of legal hassles, knee injuries and frustrations leading to heart problems. You always have to be careful of knee injuries, legal hassles, and heart-related problems and should try to avoid crisis situations and drink lots of water:
A-137, A-17A, AZ-C1B, B-80A, C-102A, C-73, D-110, D-171, FM-N1, FM-R3C, G-147, G-184, JJ-9B, JJ-9E, L-106B, LA-B2, LA-K3, LA-S11, LA-S1B, M-184A, M-299, N-61, O-29A, OT-M11A, R-36A, S-132B, S-340, S-346C, T-120, T-22 and TX-P1
The following Subscribers are born with a minor adverse Mars-Saturn aspect and are also accident-prone. You have to be careful of heart-related problems and should also avoid crisis situations:
A-148, B-274, F-115, G-192, I-36, K-29A, LA-S1A, M-200, M-291, P-85, R-167, R-175A, R-186, S-237A, S-259, S-317, SF-M1, VAN-M16 and WA-M2B |
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