Princess Diana Tragedy
by Hassan Jaffer
Fated Love in Paris: Horary Astrology and Princess Diana Tragedy
The ancients based Horary astrology on the premise that there is an answer in the Heavens for any question you ask and used the horoscope for the moment. Thus the ancient astrological rule “As Above So Below”.
It is amazing how the heavens sometimes reflect events on the earth so clearly. I feel that this only happens to people who are more or less destined and some moral is to be learned.
Are the heavens trying to teach us something or are they merely reflecting fated events?
Here is my analysis of the planetary configuration in the sky drawn for the time when Princess Diana and Dodi Fayed had a tragic accident in Paris.
Gemini-Cancer was rising on the Eastern horizon (leaning more towards Cancer as the time passed...the Sun sign of Princess Diana).
Moon is in Leo in the 3rd house
The event concerns Royalty and celebrities (Leo) and traveling in an expensive car (Leo and 3rd house of transportation).
Moon in Leo in the 3rd can also be interpreted as “a Princess born under the sign of Cancer (ruled by the Moon) was traveling”!
Venus in Libra in the 5th house of romance is trining Jupiter indicating love (and the ring) in Paris (Libra) with a wealthy foreigner (Venus trining Jupiter).
Venus is just leaving the 5th house ending the romance.
Also, Saturn in Aries (head area) is opposing Venus (restrictive love being curtailed).
Mars in Scorpio (life/death situations) in the health house (6th house) squared by Uranus (freak accidents involving the head and the spine)...exactly what we had written in our warning for Princess Diana in our Aug.’97 issue.
Uranus in the 9th house indicates shocking news from abroad and sudden publicity around the world.
Conclusion of Horary Interpretation of the Tragic Event
Just the sky around midnight in Paris is indicating that “A Cancer Princess was traveling in a Benz having a restrictive romance with a wealthy foreigner who was a Film Producer when she had a fatal freak accident involving the head area and the spine”.
Here is the Detailed Analysis of Princess Diana's chart Princess Diana's chart
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