Written 22 April 2016
Prince the Artist as he later called himself was an extremely versatile Gemini and was truly multitasking and played most of the musical instruments. He also crossed many genres of music with total ease and put his heart and soul into every one of his songs. His music included funk, rock, R&B, pop, etc.
This picture of Prince on the Motorbike is a perfect representation of the dark, mysterious side of his Scorpio-Sagittarius Ascendant.
Here is the chart of a very talented prolific songwriter, singer, virtuoso on guitars, keyboards, and drums, record producer, and an actor to grace the pop culture, Prince.
Mercury in Gemini gave him a witty sense of humor and an intellectual conceptual mind.
Mercury sextile Mars gives the ability to sing high notes also and being in Gemini gave him the versatility.
Many sopranos and tenors are also born with a Mercury-Mars aspect as it gives the ability to sing high notes.
Prince had Capricorn on 3rd had a very bad hip and needed a hip replacement but wouldn't get it fixed. Saturn in Sagittarius being the ruler of the 3rd house (walking) also gives low back problems.
With Venus in Taurus, he had a Victorian type of taste in clothing with Venus being quite prominent in the soft feminine look overall. It also made him very loyal in his friendship and love as well as looking up to strong women.
In 1993. Prince contributed an extended version of his song Thunder for a ballet performance and the classical music world. Prince wasn't married and had no known living children.
Tyka Nelson is his only full sibling, though he has five half-siblings (two other half-siblings have died).
Venus opp Neptune made him very idealist and sq to Uranus shows the sudden breakups and inconj Saturn the lonely aspect. Venus trine Pluto did give him the ability to find truth through love which I think in his case was his music and lyrics.
Prince's Last Concert on 16th Apr 2016
Prince was born with Neptune in Scorpio on the 12th, one of the surest signs of escapist tendencies and which often leads to drugs and alcohol abuse. In the sign of Scorpio, this is even more dangerous as it makes a person more self-destructive and being in the 12th house, it can be a source of deep inspirational music but also addictive tendencies reducing the immune system of the body. He was born with a minor adverse Mars- Neptune aspect which is not just escapism but actually an addiction.
On the positive side, the same aspect is excellent for dancing and a sense of rhythm along with a burst of energy.
Neptune being the ruler of the 5th, it can also represent secret love with married women but also his silent contribution to all kinds of causes.
The most difficult aspect of his chart was the T-square involving both Mercury-Pluto and Moon-Pluto. this is an indication of someone who violates the divine truth both consciously as well as subconsciously and can also be quite sarcastic (he fired his half-brother and may have had many other unresolved issues). However, this is good for sarcastic wit.
On 16th April 2016 in his last concert, Prince told his fans, "Wait a few days before you waste any prayers."
Waste any prayers is almost blasphemous and a week later he was gone.
Maybe he should have thanked them for keeping him in their prayers instead.
Prince had the Headline separate from his Lifeline, which makes a person break all the rules and gives him the ability to be a trailblazer in their field.
You can find more about this in my kindle book Palmistry Leaders and Followers
With Saturn moving above his 7th house (good for public response), Prince rose to fame in the late '70s and was most popular in the '80s and early '90s, with hits such as "Little Red Corvette," "When Doves Cry," "Let's Go Crazy," "Cream," "Diamonds and Pearls" and "Purple Rain."
With Jupiter transiting his 10th house of Fame and recognition, the prolific hit-maker was inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in 2004.
With Venus in Taurus, Prince was quite Victorian in his attitude towards love and very loyal. When he married wrote tons of songs dedicated to Mayte, including “The Most Beautiful Girl In The World”.
With Venus transiting his 5th House of love, Prince and Mayte were married on Valentine’s Day in 1996.
Mayte gave birth to a son who lived for only a week due to Pfeiffer syndrome, and she suffered a miscarriage shortly afterward.
Prince presented Halle Berry with an NAACP Award in 2011
With Saturn in Leo at the Zenith in his chart (close to the 10th house of fame)
Prince performed at the Super Bowl XLI halftime show in 2007 and it was one of his most memorable performances.
There were three significant transits happening when he passed away.
1- Saturn was just going into his 2nd house and this is the time when people generally retire and keep a low profile or disappear from the public.
2- Jupiter was in his 10th house (similar to Princess Diana) when he suddenly passed away and was in the limelight again.
In just three days, the outpouring of grief and nostalgia after his death prompted fans to buy more than two million of his songs.
3- Moon was just going into his 12th house for 2 to 3 days and which is always a time when you feel run down and should really not be alone or take unnecessary chances. Amy Winehouse and Sylvestor Stallone's son also had Moon in their 12th when they passed away.
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