Prince Archie Harrison Windsor-Mountbatten is a Taurus with Mercury in Aries. He has strong leadership ability but will also be reflective and deliberate is the way he talks. He is definitely not going to be as patient as many astrologers have written! I expected the letter “A” because of his Mercury position, but certainly didn’t think of the comic book Archie character or Archie Bunker as the namesake!
This is really quite a brilliant chart and quite broadminded as well. Mercury in the 12th gives the capacity for research and he will think like a scientist. Although Mercury in 12th makes one more quiet, Prince Archie will be very curious and want to know everything and to get the bottom of it like an investigator. There is a strong possibility that he may be left-handed.
The twelfth house is associated with medicine, nuclear physics in modern times or the defense industry, anywhere there are hidden elements and institutions involved. Mercury close to Uranus gives a brilliant mind and thinking outside the box. Neptune, Venus, Mercury, and Uranus all in the 12th house accentuate the love of secrets but also can indicate secret love!
Venus in Aries is normally very independent in love and not the most faithful placement as they are more interested in new challenges all the time. However, Saturn squaring Venus shows he will keep it under wraps and more likely restrictive relationships. On the positive side, there is a talent for architecture as well as fashion! I was surprised to find so many fashion designers, who have Saturn sq Venus, who successfully made it a productive use of their artistic capacity. Venus sq Neptune indicates a very idealistic nature and may increase the humanitarian side indirectly with so many Pisces influences (Venus in 12th, Pisces on 12th, Neptune rules Pisces and in 12th and Venus sq Neptune.
This is actually quite a complex chart filled with opposing qualities. Mercury in Aries squ Saturn is one of the hallmarks of a genius and both Leonardo da Vinci and Einstein had a Mercury Saturn aspect. Mercury in Aries needs a Saturn aspect to harness the intellect. However, it also makes one very deliberate in the way they talk. In Einstein's case, he started speaking quite late actually.
The most difficult aspect in Prince Archie's chart is Mercury sq Pluto which is one of the aspects of dictators who can violate the divine truth! The only time this can be very useful is when you are trying to correct something wrong and it requires a very strong will to go against the system. In other words, when the system is wrong and you go against it to rectify it even though there is tremendous opposition, then this aspect can be useful. It is a very powerful aspect and may represent some aspects where you are breaking the existing traditions.
Prince Archie has a very strong mind and will keep his words hidden from others but has inherited some powerful aspects. Saturn on top of his chart is the sign of the scientist as well as the builder (Saturn in Capricorn). Pluto also on top of the chart shows he will be instrumental in bringing about major changes, even though they may be opposed by a lot of people around the world (Pluto sq Mercury).
Mercury in Aries sq Saturn sq Pluto also indicates that the little Prince will have a mind of his own and will be known for his sarcastic wit. He will be rather set in his viewpoints and would want to impose his will on others. The Queen is also a Taurus with Mercury in Aries (she was also a mechanic during the war) and her grandchild will be just as curious and will love to take things apart. Mercury close to Venus gives him the eloquence and will make his Mercury in Aries not as tactless but still quite frank to the point of being blunt from time to time.
Healthwise, Prince Archie is susceptible to ear, nose, and throat as well as head-related illnesses.
There is a musical aptitude that should be encouraged and his chart is more like a composer rather than just a musician.
Mars opp Jupiter makes him very athletic and also indicates a lot of travel as well as fast cars and high recuperative powers. Jupiter trines to Venus is a very wealthy aspect to have and he also has a very good business side. He is born with Jupiter in his 8th house which is one of the luckiest aspects for raising large sums of money and luck from foreign countries.
Mercury in Aries, as well as Mars sextile mercury, are both indications of a very forceful mind. Taurus rising is relatively rare and one of the signs of being trustworthy.
One of the important aspects of Prince Archie's chart is that he will be very obsessive about everything he does. Mars sq Neptune is one of the hallmarks of addictive personality but it is probably and an indication of mental health problems and addictions which he will help reform and his parents will be involved with. Many successful people are born with an adverse Mars Neptune aspect but the form of obsession is their free choice. It also points to allergies and being part of the Mars opp Jupiter, it is probably the huge projects he will undertake as part of the legacy of both his parents as well as his grandparents.
According to genetic astrology (which is part of our Astrocalendar), Prince Archie has inherited more from Prince Harry (58% aspects) than his mother (50%). This includes the Mercury Venus and Moon Venus aspects. However, the daring and adventurous side he has inherited from his mother Meghan Markles who has a Mars sq Jupiter.
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