Detailed Analysis
Article from AstroTrends
(note: The chart is not based on his exact time of birth)
Updated 13 March 2013:
IN our Jan 2013 World Events, we wrote about Feb and March 2013 being very significant spiritually and also that there was to be spiritual sadness around mid Feb. Exactly in mid Feb Pope Benedict resigned and now we have the new pope from Argentine Jorge Mario Bergoglio who becomes Pope Francis I.
Pope Francis 1 is a Sagittarius with Mercury and Jupiter in Capricorn so although he is philosophical, he won't waste words and rather scholarly. John Milton, who wrote Paradise Lost, was also a Sagittarius with Mercury in Capricorn!
The new Pope has Moon and Venus n Aquarius which makes him rather unconventional is his views about love and marriage and more accepting of the newer generations ideals as well. In other words, he has the ability to understand both the older (Capricorn planets) and the new age group (Aquarius planets).
However, his Head Line is joined and we don't expect him to make many changes when it comes to the doctrine and views about family planning. He belongs to an age group of suffering and sacrifice (Neptune in Virgo) which is from the 30s era when the market crashed and there was a lot of hardship. This age group is known for their simple lifestyle and many country singers belong to this era and are quite down to earth.
Although he is a very humble person and very practical and down to earth, he has a mind of his own and is now a follower but has a quiet authority about him. His age group is great at making everyone feel guilty which goes along perfectly with Catholic teachings, we don't feel he will use this directly. His life will be a very good example of austerity and make others feel how wasteful they have been in their pursuit of luxury and comfort. In this regards, we feel he is a very good choice and will an excellent example not only for all the Christians but the rest of the world.
We extend out best wishes to all our Christian readers and may you have a wonderful Pope to guide you for a long time.
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