Natasha Richardson Tragedy on 16 march 2009
Astrological Highlights
Sun opp Neptune = Excellent for acting and creative career.
Moon in Sagittarius = Philosophical ideals.
Moon trine Mars trine Venus = Artistic appreciation. Stage dancing
Mercury in Taurus = Practical and down-to-earth attitude towards life. Task oriented. Very patient but not fast reflexes.
Mars oppose Saturn = Accident prone. Rebellious. Legal hassles. Prone to head injuries and knee problems. Saturn being in Aquarius (snow) danger from skiing.
Mars sq Neptune and Neptune sq Saturn = Obsessive. Sandals and events which become a nightmare. Deep insecurities and father having alternative lifestyle.
Detailed Analysis
by Hassan Jaffer
(written Mar 2009)
Here is the chart of one of Hollywood’s actresses who came from an illustrious British stage family, Natasha Richardson, wife of actor Liam Neeson.
Natasha had Libra rising which gives a very serene look but also pent up feelings and emotions as they do not like to create any hassles. Their politeness and not wanting to disturb the peace is a constant struggle. With dramatic Mars in Leo on top of her chart in the 10th house, she was popular on Broadway and stage with her dancing and singing. However, her t-square involving Mars opp Saturn (major authority conflicts and temper, and Mars sq Neptune (nightmare and obsessive tendencies), she had a lot of deep insecurities stemming from her early children. parents breaking up, a barren home (Capricorn on 4th house) and Libra rising which does not like to create any conflicts. Mars in Leo was her release to all the frustrations and bottled up anger and she did well in theatre and movies etc.
Accident Prone Days: She was born with a major accident configuration and danger to the head area having Mars opposed to Saturn. Saturn in Aquarius (sign of snow and ice made it worse) and squared to Neptune (swelling and edema) complicated it even more.
Her Mars-Saturn-Neptune T-square is getting touched off from Jan. 99 till Aug. 99 on and off and she will go through somewhat of a nightmare period probably relating to her children and marriage. Instead of diffusing a crisis, she is great at creating upheavals.
on 16th March 2009, Mars was transiting her 5th house which make her indulge in dangerous hobbies and being more physical in sports. Mars had just finished conjunction Saturn a week before and starting the accident configuration in motion, probably making her feel more tired etc.
Pluto was in her 3rd house of walking and communication.
Uranus squared her Moon indicating sudden upheavals in the family, just one day before and this happens once in 84 years!
Uranus was in her 6th house (preventive aspects of health).
Neptune had been opposing her Mars fro the last few years indicating strange moods and conjunct Saturn, deep insecurities in the lives of children.
Moon in Sag (foreign countries) touched off her Uranus and Mars in 5th exactly opposed her Uranus (freak accidents to the head and spine).
She passed away on 18th march when Moon was in her 3rd house making her go in and out of consciousness (people usually get lost driving under this transit).
For those of you who don't believe in computer printouts, here are the two most important paras from our 12 Month Forecast: This is straight from the report!
Uranus Square Moon (Already in effect to 15 May 2009, exact on 15 Mar 2009)
This period usually coincides with sudden changes at home or in the family and emotional instability. Increases originality but also mood swings. Unexpected limelight or scandals. Careful of an overactive nervous system. Good for videos and advertising.
Mars Opposition Uranus (12 Mar 2009 to 20 Mar 2009, exact on 16 Mar 2009)
You are prone to freak accidents involving head and spine especially with cars and electric gadgets. Careful of aviation and flying off the handle. Avoid being near guns, knives and explosions. Be extra careful when you are near fire. Inventive ideas but not the best time to carry them out. Spine related problems if you haven't rested enough.
Unfortunately, she probably could have been saved if she was not so polite and didn't want to create any commotion plus her delicate ego (Mars in Leo) didn't get bruised. She refused to see the doctor and went to the hospital after four to six hours while the the brain went through increased pressure.
To Summarize: Natasha Richardson was born with a natal Mars Saturn Neptune T-Square which is a major accident configuration involving the head area and can easily become a nightmare. Mars in 5th (dangerous sports) exactly opposed her Uranus warning against freak accident to the head and spine. Uranus squaring her Moon (once in 84 years) reflected the sudden upheavals in her family this event has caused.
In Liam Neesan's chart (7 June 1952) we don't know his time of birth but feel has Cancer rising) Saturn was almost finished opposing his Saturn (separations with wife and sadness in love) and Uranus was almost finished squaring his Venus (sudden changes in love matter although it was a wide aspect). Pluto was probably moving into his 7th house indicating life death events relating to the wife. Jupiter transiting his 8th house would indicate sudden inheritance if he was the beneficiary for life insurance.
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