Written June 2006: Nasrullah of Hezbollah has Mercury close to Pluto in Virgo. Carl Jung was born with Mercury in Virgo and it gives natural ability to understand human nature and many psychologists are born with it. It is also the sign of the teacher, counselor and writer. It is interesting that the IDF chief of intelligence remarked that they consider him dangerous because in 15 years that they have monitored him, he has never lied even once! Mercury-Pluto conjunction gives a very analytical and critical mind but also when you experience life/death situations. In his case, his 18-year-old son was killed but he refused to see any mourners who wanted to offer their condolences and apparently just thanked God to have been of service to his community and given his son in the cause. Mercury-Pluto aspect also gives a mind which seeks radical solutions and not just paper diplomacy. These people are willing to die for their cause and his oratory skills make him a formidable debater. His critical faculty can also rub people the wrong way and he will always be anti-establishment if power is misused. He has Venus in Virgo (similar to Musharraf of Pakistan) and is concerned for the welfare of his people and is very unselfish in his cause. However, the Mercury-Pluto aspect is too radical for the media and they needed someone who also has more diplomatic finesse (usually Mercury in Libra) to negotiate. Yasser Arafat was also born with Mercury in Virgo like Jimmy Carter and they usually stick to logic and statistics and practical solutions as opposed to diplomacy only. All of them would be excellent in finding lasting solutions but the U.S. is not interested in factual matters but their own spin. Unfortunately, with the deception of the media especially in the USA, the public is totally unaware of how these grassroots organizations are sacrificing on a daily basis and only retaliate when they are pushed beyond the normal limit. Moon conjunct Jupiter in philosophical Sagittarius gives him tremendous popularity amongst the religious masses as he appeals to the Universal principles of dignity and mass education for everyone. His scholarly mind combined with public support makes him very much aware of his mission but also makes him seem dangerous for the US and Israel who do not want peace but more land and use all means to control the media. If he survives the next few months, mid-2008 till 2010 are excellent for Nasrullah when he would be able to make radical changes for the better for his people and all Arabs as he will be getting a Pluto Mercury trine (once in a lifetime). This is the only time when he will be able to use the wisdom to influence the masses in positive ways. General Musharraf of Pakistan also has Mercury in Virgo and is not really a politician as people know exactly where they stand with him (just like Nasrullah). These individuals are excellent for logistics, efficiency and organizing all aspects of any operation (Musharraf was a commando in the elite special forces of the Pakistan army). Nov. 2008 is the beginning of peace around the world and especially the middle east so let's hope that all these leaders will contribute towards it and herald a new era. June and July, as well as Nov. 2006, are dangerous for the generation of Nasrullah (60's age group) and a nightmare period. |
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