Horoscope of General Musharraf Highlights:
Sun in Leo = Charismatic, ego-centric, feels a cut above the rest. Her personality makes people stop and take notice.
Mercury in Virgo = Down-to-earth, practical, sensible, basic values, no beating around the bush, simple and effective strategies, no scheming, organized and efficient. Emphasis on honest earning and integrity.
Venus in Virgo = Cares for the needy and underprivileged. Humble and close to nature.
Mars in 10th = Hallmark of soldiers and generals. General Musharraf was a commando in special forces in the Pakistan army.
Latest Update: (22 Aug 2008): We just learned that President Musharraf has resigned. Sep.2008 was showing a very peaceful period for him and maybe now he can just gold and enjoy life and watch as the current contenders make a fool of themselves and fight amongst themselves and the violence increases.
The main distraction for the parties to prove themselves is gone and now unless they do something tangible, people will reflect back on Musharraf's era and regret having let him go. At least, he was a voice of reason and had excellent organizing ability.
For all his faults, there was no doubt that he cared for his country and was honest as well as very ethical. I didn't see him as a leader as he was not selfish enough but as an administrator, Musharraf was extremely efficient and organized. Dec.2008 may be again a bit of a nightmare period for him but we don't see him being impeached as his nightmare period is over (as we had mentioned in the July 2007 update below.
We see him moving into his new place throughout next year and probably starting immigration procedures as well. He has excellent aspects for immigration or moving into a bigger place in 2009 till 2010. For now, it is an excellent time for him to write again and this continues throughout 2009 as well.
Although both Asif Zardari and Nawaz Sharif are getting excellent transits till Dec. 2008 when it comes to their ideas working out and contractual matter, Nawaz Sharif is using his Jupiter conj Mercury better in wanting to put the Chief Justices restored. Watch for more chaos and Pakistan goes into more and more anarchy and the US tries to capitalize in the North by interfering and making it even more difficult for the parties.
The US is already hated by the general masses because of their policies, their rhetoric regarding the Northern area near Afghanistan is going to make the populace even more radical (which is probably what they want anyways). However, we do see a change after Nov.2008 which probably means the Obama-Biden ticket is going to take over!
Update: (July 2007): As we had mentioned last June, President Musharraf ran into major legal problems with the judiciary which adversely affected his popularity with the public. He is definitely not corrupt and genuinely thinks the nation needs him. However, with Saturn making adverse aspects to his natal Mars till the end of Aug. 2007, he will be more rebellious and in a confrontational mood.
Although Saturn leaves his Mars by end of Aug. 2007, transiting Mars conjuncts his Saturn mid-Sep. 2007 as well as in Jan. and Feb. 2008. This is a hallmark of major conflicts and temper due to frustration. He is also getting a Mars Neptune square from mid-Sep. till beg. Oct. 2007 and from mid-Dec. till beg Jan. 2008 and also from mid-Feb. to mid Mar. 2008. The same configuration repeats itself from mid-Aug. 2008 for two weeks.
These are nightmare configurations where everything seems to backfire and your closest associates betray you. He is not only under tremendous stress but also a major accident configuration. Interestingly, these are the same configurations that existed when there was an attempt on his life on Dec. 13th and 26th of 2003, except that this time the duration is much longer indicating constant danger from mid-Sep. till Mar. of 2008. He will be well advised to be very careful in public gatherings during these months.
However, from mid Mar. 2008 onwards, the General has some very positive transits from Jupiter and will have gone out of danger by then. Benazir, Nawaz Sharif as well as President Musharraf are all getting excellent transits from Jupiter to their Mercury which gives one a luck element in contractual matters and public speaking. The tension shown in his chart may indicate martial law in Pakistan although he will only use it as a last resort.
I don't see President Musharraf as a dictator and in fact, he lacks the selfishness to be his own boss. Although he has a certain amount of Leo pride, he is a very logical and efficient person. My suggestion would have been for him to be involved with global warming issues and solar lighting in Pakistan and broadband over power lines etc to make the system more efficient.
He has already done a lot for the country in difficult circumstances and would be much more helpful to the country by allowing free elections to take place.
President Musharraf's dilemma is that he sees both the ex-PM as having been involved with fraudulent deals (something nobody can accuse him of) but will find it difficult to understand the public sentiments which are so easily moved by political speeches.
General Musharraf is not a politician and is like a reformer who sticks to the principles but is too changeable for his own good. He will probably write another book in 2008 with Jupiter trining his Mercury but will never back down under stress. We see the political games in Pakistan and army confrontations and public displays going on till next summer at least while his chart shows that he is both very angry and feels betrayed by the people.
Last Update (June 2006): General Musharraf has to be very careful of tension creating heart problems from the end of July 2006 till Aug. 2007. He needs to consolidate his position and be ready to keep a low profile in about three years' time. The frustration about the Middle East and within his country can lead to heart-related problems if he is not careful. He does have some excellent transits from Aug. till Dec. 2006 which will give him opportunities to reconcile the different parties but he will have to delegate more and share some of his power to other parties, even if he feels they are unscrupulous.
Benazir's chart compares well with him although she has an inability to separate fact from fantasy from time to time, the same aspect makes her good in foreign relations and with the press. General Musharraf can alienate himself from the media because of his perfection and critical faculty. He is a no-nonsense person which is excellent for army operations but not the best for the media.
Detailed Analysis of General Musharraf Horoscope
Article from AstroTrends
General Musharraf is a soldier first and a politician not by choice. The one institute that is not corrupt in Pakistan is the armed Forces. Being a Leo, the media loves him but having some Virgo planets, he does not really care for the limelight. Having Mercury in Virgo, he likes to educate the public and believes in honesty, integrity and efficiency.
He is going through a very delicate and difficult period as the United States was pressuring him to side with them to curb the tension within Pakistan while the majority of his public saw America as being very unfair in their foreign policies. The public cannot be fooled and sees the injustices being done to the stone throwing Palestinians who are seen as being "terrorists" while they are being bombarded with bombs, missiles and jet fighters supplied by the U.S.
He has tried to curb the violence within his own country while keeping India at bay even as it is trying to exploit the situation and the US bandwagon of fighting terrorism. He is playing the diplomatic card and putting pressure ont he International community for political solution to the volatile Kashmir, which is one of the main reasons for Taliban in the first place (along with Palestine issue and the unfair sanctions of Iraq).
General Musharraf is trying to help educate the masses, bring in major reforms in the educational system, bring respect for the law in a country which has been plagued by frustrated masses releasing their tension through sectarian violence.
Jupiter has been sextiling General Musharraf's Mercury from mid 2001 and will continue to do so till June 2002. This will help him win contracts and respect of the International community and become a good preacher. However, Saturn is also squaring the same Mercury and putting many hurdles in his way. Slowly but surely, he is tackling many problems and patiently waiting for results.
Jupiter will give him tremendous boost from Aug. 2002 onwards when it moves into the sign of Leo till July 2003. We expect his popularity to go up even more except that he has to be very careful of danger around him. However, hIs health, particularly the heart, is critical in 2021 and 2022 when Saturn opposes his Leo planets..
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