Written 18 Feb 2013
Here is a quick analysis on YouTube of the reasons for Mindy McCready, the country singer, who shot herself yesterday 17th Feb 2013.
There is nothing like astrology when it comes to diagnosis of clinical depression and as in Mindy McCready's case, manic depression. Unfortunately, we don't her time of birth but just the planets and their aspects are quite clear when it comes to astro-medical diagnosis of her condition.
In my research, I found that Saturn Moon adverse aspect is one of the hallmarks of being anemic (lack of iron) and it also seems to lead to depression depending on the sign Moon was in. Mindy had Moon in Scorpio, which is quite secretive and emotionally inhibited to begin with, and she not only had Saturn square to it (being anemic, chroic depression, low blood pressure and weak eyesight, but also Moon conj Uranus, which created the manic depressoin and mood sqings.
Basically, any Saturn Moon aspect gives emotional control but when it is an adverse aspect, it prevents people from showing their emotions and also inhibits remembering their dreams. However, many of the best personal traniers and also nurses are born with a Moon Saturn aspects and of course they are very calm under stress and have to be almost emotionally strong temperamnet.
Several years ago, I wrote about depression and manic depression and unfortunately Mindy was born with both of these aspects.
In the article about manic depression, we write that a Moon-Saturn and Moon-Uranus aspects "...also leads to sudden disruptions in the family, erratic mood swings, manic depression and upheavals in the family when Saturn touches it off every 7 years." This is exactly what happened in her case when her husband shot himself (there are questions about it still if she was involved) and transiting Saturn was also conjunct her Moon from Oct 2011 and would have continue to do so for another few months.
From Oct 2011 till Oct 2012, she went through a Saturn conj Venus, which is one of the signs of unhappiness in marriage and a major testing period. Then Saturn conjunct her Moon in Scorpio right after and touched off her natal manic depressive aspect even more.
Mars was squaring her Neptune the last few days which is a major nightmare theme and when you imagine the worst and come to wrong conclusions. Moon would have made a T-square with her Saturn-Uranus and Moon the day before and made her even more depressed.
Mindy was a Sagittarius with Mercury and Neptune also in Sag. This made her rather philosophical and spiritual and she talked about faith and god in positive terms. She even had a Mercury sextile Pluto which gave her a certain wisdom and the ability to affect the masses through her songs. Mercury conj Neptune is the hallmark of of those who cannot separate truth from fantasy although it does give a healing tone and a talent for inspirational writing. It also makes one evade the truth very skilfully so we don't really know what happened with her husband a month before.
She probably didn't get as much recognition as she deserved but instead of alcohol and medication, it would have been much better to become involved with causes and saving others. On one side, she had three grand trines in Fire giving her a lot of confidence and sudden bursts of enthusiasm and making her like a good preacher. On the other hand, she had Moon in Scorpio squared by Saturn (dark moods) and Moon conj Uranus (sudden mood swings). The Fire and Water signs must have given her two complete different personality traits, being the life of a party and then withdrawing completely into herself and becoming reclusive.
From June 2013 onwards, she would have had very positive aspects but maybe this is also related to the reasons behind her husband's shooting. Her husband was about to collect the inheritance from his mother and everything was going positive for him so it doesn't make sense for him to take his own life (although we didn't get a chance to see his chart yet).
It is sad that such talented artists go through such a difficult time when they don't know how to offset their adverse aspects. We find that saving others who are the underdog and also working with earth (sculpture, ceramics or landscaping) seems to offset the negative theme.
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