Horoscope Analysis By Hassan Jaffer
Lil Nas X country Rap singer is someone who has become an overnight sensation!
It is wonderful to see how a talented artist finally makes it after spending most days sleeping in his car.
The overnight success of Lil Nas X is a rag to riches success story except that he is a true artist and not motivated by the riches at all.
Millions of people saw his video on YouTube and bought his record when the industry tried to pull his song from the billboards.
Lil Nas X zodiac sign is Aries as he was born on April 9, 1999 and he has Mercury in the sign of Pisces.
Lil Nas X birth chart is like being a Pioneer (Sun in Aries) and a Poet (Mercury in Pisces)
Mercury in Pisces makes him extremely sensitive to the needs of the masses but these individuals are not really organized or disciplined enough to achieve unless there are other aspects in their chart.
Lil Nas X is versatile, adaptable, changeable, and also understands human nature very well.
Mercury in Pisces gives a healing voice and many sopranos and tenors are also born with it including Beniamino Gigli, the Italian opera singer widely regarded as one of the greatest tenors of his generation, and Celine Dion, as well as the Persian singer Googoosh and many other singers.
Mercury sxt Venus makes the voice more beautiful (Venus aspected to Mercury makes the voice soothing as well e.g. Elvis Presley). Mercury in Taurus or Libra also gives a beautiful sign as both these signs are "ruled" by Venus.
He also has Mercury sq Moon which gives a slightly nasal quality to the voice and many singers are born with a Moon-Mercury aspect as well.
Mercury-Moon also makes one more visual which is another important element in singing where you can visualize the note as Gigli used to say.
Lil Nas X is also born with Mars sq Neptune. This is one of the most obsessive aspects but most successful people are born with it.
The obsession theme is destined but what you do with it is your free choice. It is one of the best aspects of art and music but can also lead one into drugs and alcohol if they are not careful.
Mars sq Neptune is also one of the aspects of scandals, betrayals, and backstabbing by friends so he needs to always be careful of that and not set himself for it by associating with immoral or illegal acts.
Here is a hardworking talented singer who got his break after posting 20 songs and only when his song was taken off the billboards for not being totally country, the backlash from the public made it viral. Capital Records won the bidding once the song took off and gave him complete creative control. We believe that he will be producing some really good down-to-earth country rap.
The most important transit in Lil Nas X's life is Pluto sxt his Mercury from last year for another two years.
This is one of the most powerful aspects for understanding what the masses need and connects one with the divine truth.
All his songs will have a message and it gives one a conscious awareness of the laws of nature. He probably doesn't even realize it but this is the reason his message resonates with millions.
Jupiter is also touching off his Mercury which is excellent for writing and preaching. Mass communication and will continue throughout 2020 as well.
Saturn touches off his Moon this year as well as in 2020 which can indicate some depression and one of the parent's health not being very good. He has to be careful of feeling depleted and needs more rest and iron. However, Moon in Capricorn stabilizes his emotions also. Moon sq Sun shows parents two very different people and they were separated. Moon in Capricorn also is part of the aspects which show the sadness and his not knowing where his mother is.
Venus in Taurus shows loyalty even though he talks about cheating! Jupiter touches off his Moon, Mercury, and Venus in 2020 indicating a very successful year full of love, wealth and family reunions and buying houses and moving, etc. We wish him all the luck and hope he is able to sublimate his obsession with music and videos.
2021 is also a very lucky year for him when Jupiter trines Mars from May to July 2021.
However, he is also in an accident configuration from Dec 2020 till mid-Apr 2021 (Saturn sq Mars). The end of 2021 is excellent again when Jupiter touches off his Mercury and we can expect new material from him with writing and publishing good material. This can also indicate legal hassles and trouble with the law.
Not only does he have the talent showing by his chart but his hand also shows the dynamic presence and his ability to break all rules and do it with no regard to how the industry works at all. He just have to be careful of the norms of the society and moral and spiritual rules that he doesn't break and flaunt.
It is all so clear in his hand and this is exactly what I have mentioned in my Pamistry Leaders and Followers: Are You A Rule Maker of A Rule Breaker Kindle book.
HeadLine separate is reflected all over in his lyrics, the essence of which is that nobody is going to tell him anything and he will do whatever he wants to do his way!
HeadLine separate from the LifeLine makes one much more daring and confident. It makes you more action-oriented and willing to take chances.
Lil Nas X has long fingers indicating that he attends to details and is quite a perfectionist also and very reflective. This reminds me of Obama's hands where he also takes his time analyzing everything but once he makes a decision, he acts upon it right away (Head Line separate).
These individuals are excellent motivators and are passionate about anything they do but also need to see the results otherwise they get bored.
The negative aspect of this is that they may be so intent on getting the results that they overlook details or take advantage of the law and break all rules. Another element of it is that they can push everything to the limit and offend a lot of people and society in the process. In women, especially once they gain some fame, they can become rude and flaunt their body in skimpy clothes and not be very feminine. Examples are Madonna, Lindsey Lohan, Britney Spears, Taylor Swift, Rihanna, Beyonce. On the positive side, we have Oprah Winfrey and Whoopee Goldberg, who became successful in spite of a difficult childhood and bad habits. They just need to be more aware of the society and not intent on shocking the conservative generation and have more regard for morals and the norms of the society.
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