written 10 Jul 2018
Moon in Cancer = Love of home and family
Moon trine Saturn = Good emotional control.
Sun sq Neptune = Sense of inspirational calling to the mission in life. Adds to the Humanitarian side.
Mercury in Aquarius = Brilliant (similar to Supreme Court Justice Roberts). Fixed mind yet open to new ideas. Thinks outside the box.
Mercury cnj Venus = Eloquent and charming. Creative mind. Diplomatic.
Mercury in Aqu sxt Jupiter in Tau = Love of philosophy and balanced between the traditional and unconventional side
Mercury sq Neptune = Emotional misjudgements. Persuasive but also can trust the wrong people.
From time to time flawed thinking (most politicians are born with it) Helps to understand the con-artists (takes one to know one!).
Jupiter in Taurus = Jovial and deep respect for tradition and history.
Saturn opp Uranus = certain amount of indecisiveness due to opposing values. Conservative vs Unconventional side.
Neptune sextile Pluto = Concerned for the welfare of the masses.
Here is our analysis of his Horoscope. Although we don't have his time of birth, we can still give quite an accurate interpretation based on just his birthdates only the Moon position might be a few degrees off.
With Sun, Mercury, and Venus in Aquarius, he is certainly quite brilliant and thinks outside the box. What is interesting about his chart is the Sun and Mercury aspected to Neptune give him some Piscean overtones and humanitarian outlook. He is definitely not a biased person and is open to new ideas but you cannot really change his viewpoint. With Jupiter in Taurus, he has a deep respect for tradition and culture as well as history and precedents as long as they fall within his rational logic. However, he doesn't think like everyone else and is very much into equality to the detriment of what the society's needs are or what is politically correct.
Abraham Lincoln had Mercury in Aquarius and abolished slavery even going against the wishes of the masses at that time.
Mercury sq Neptune is difficult to predict as it makes one justify and rationalize. Most politicians are born with it and they often cannot separate truth from fantasy. Obama, Trump, Trudeau (both father and son) and many many other politicians were born with this aspect. It does help them get away from difficult situations and it is hard to pin them down on anything as they will have a good excuse and rationale for it. However, in Judge Brett's case, it adds a certain amount of understanding for the underdog and makes him more sensitive to their needs instead of just cold logic.
We can actually predict when someone will make wrong decisions as it is easy to calculate when this Mercury sq Neptune gets touched off my transiting Mars.
Transiting Mars is touching off his natal Mercury which makes him more forceful in speech and you can also expect a few fireworks the Senate confirmation hearings. He also has a wide Mars Neptune aspect which is a bit of a nightmare theme but it is not exact. It does become exact around the end of Oct till mid-Nov 2018 for his entire age group (everyone born around 1965).
Jupiter touching off his natal mercury, however, is very lucky for him in terms of getting his point across but it also makes him even more philosophical continuously from now till Sep 2019. This is a very important aspect which will make him like a good preacher and the law he will be interpreting deals with the philosophy of a Nation.
Even though his ideas may be quite progressive and sometimes unconventional, he will maintain the status quo (Headline joined to the Lifeline). He will be cautious and not make haphazard decisions. He is very much a family man but has a strong moralistic attitude so may be inclined to be more pro-life also.
Democrats and the Liberal agenda may try to block him but we believe he has planetary clout working in his favour and is destined to influence a lot of generations to come with his opinions and writings.
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