Astrological HighlightsHere is the chart of little Jessica Lunsford who was born of 6th Oct. 1995 who was abducted and tragically murdered by John Couey. Jessica was born with the Sun, Mercury, and Venus in the beautiful sign of Libra. She had Moon-Saturn conjunction in Pisces which indicates deep sadness for parents and often points to one of them not being able to show affection. She also had a Moon-Jupiter square as well which gives popularity and accounts for all the prayers and poetry from around the world being written for her. I don't know her rising sign but I have a feeling that she had Leo rising like Holly and Chandra Levy (who were both abducted near their home and murdered). The most dangerous aspect in her chart was the Mars-Pluto conjunction in Scorpio which is a life-threatening aspect and one of the major signs of violence. She probably sensed this and was always very cautious around strangers.
John Couey was born of 19th Sep.1958 and has Neptune (children) in Scorpio (sex and extremes). He is a Virgo with Venus conj. Pluto in Virgo which gave him Scorpio traits and made him very obsessive and controlling. Saturn squared to Venus added to his inhibited nature and gave him dark desires. He was also born with Moon-Saturn conjunction which made him pathologically depressed, isolated and probably added to his deep psychological problems. Mars in Taurus square Pluto gave him destructive temper and unfortunately his Mars also exactly opposed Jessica's Pluto, indicating strong potential for danger to her (this is similar to Oswald's chart with respect to Kennedy). When she was abducted, Moon was in Virgo triggering his depression and probably in her 12th house (if she had late Virgo rising), indicating depleted immune system and reflexes. Mars was 10 degrees from an exact conjunction to her Neptune, when you walk into traps and a "nightmare configuration" which Marilyn Monroe, Princess Diana and JFK Jr. experienced at the time of their tragedy. Next day, the Moon touched off Jessica and Couey's Saturn indicating sadness for her parents and in his case, making him go into self-pity, smoking and drinking. Another devious person who did exactly what John Couey did to a young girl in Canada, is Paul Bernado, whose accomplice Carla Homolka is about to be released from prison! Both Couey and Bernado have similar charts and both have Mercury conj. Pluto i.e. someone who violates divine truth and cannot undo the damage. No feelings for family, children, or sanctity for life (Moon-Saturn conj.), and Couey's feeling remorseful certainly does not bring poor Jessica back from life.
Danger Near Home: The reason I have analyzed this is to urge you to help your own children. If they have Mars in the 3rd house or adversely aspected to Pluto, or square to Saturn etc., they could be in danger and just having their natal report done is a very small price to pay for their safety. If you have their natal report, please carefully go through every Mars aspect. Mars is in the 3rd house or having it transit the 3rd house always indicates danger near the home. I would really appreciate if I could find Jessica's time of birth (maybe you all can do some research in this?) so we can prevent other innocent children from being victims to such a horrendous crime. April 2005 and Jul '05 to Jan.'06 is dangerous for children born in the 90s (Mars-Neptune) and those born in 60s. My heart reaches out to the poor parents who have to suffer from the actions of one person, who is the product of a sick society which is so morally bankrupt and caught up with politics and material values that there is no room for spirituality or any divine values. It is sad that horror movies, thrillers and violent video games are so popular, and the politicians are part of a game and the judicial system is caught up with procedures and pushing paper and the best lawyers are the ones who can get the worst of the crooks off the hook. |
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