Written Feb 2012
YouTube Horoscope Analysis by Hassan
Here is the chart of a very talented athlete who is fast becoming a global phenomenon, basketball player Jeremy Lin. He is a Virgo with Mercury also in the mutable sign of Virgo which makes him very versatile, adaptable, efficient in his moves and timing as well as a fast and organized thinker. His strategy is both spontaneous and also combines fast reflexes. We dont have his birth time but the main themes still apply.
Mars in Aries sextile Jupiter gives him sudden bursts of energy and the daring and adventurous side where he takes chances in a split second. His three point score in the last five seconds recently in Toronto against Raptors giving Knicks the victory they needed is a typical example of his Mars Jupiter gambling side. Many Olympic athletes are born with this aspect in fact and it is also the hallmark of martial artists. It also gives him very high recuperative powers.
Having Saturn conjunct his Moon makes him emotionally touch and very focused. Moon in Sagittarius also gives him a certain amount of "Bruce Lee" type of charisma and philosophical leanings. His out of sign Moon conj Neptune makes him empathetic towards the downtrodden but can lead to emotional misjudgments. His Moon-Uranus-Saturn conjunction can give a person manic depressive phases but in his case the Moon-Uranus is probably enhancing his visual ability and an instant awareness of the whole court and where everyone is (almost psychic flashes and great visual perception).
Having Venus in Cancer, he is quite a family person and must love home and family values as well as good food. Earth and Water combination is always the most nurturing and I am sure he is probably an excellent coach and very understanding as well.
Mercury sextile Venus is great for being a spokesperson also and often gives a very good voice. Mercury in Virgo also indicates an excellent student and it makes sense that he took economics at Harvard as Virgo is often associated with account and finance. He has very good writing ability as long as he is not too critical of self. He is extremely observant and will use that talent to improve the game of other players also.
One of his best qualities as a point guard is that he gives everyone a chance and others are more successful because of him. Being quite humble and having a Moon conj Saturn, he actually doesn't like too much publicity. His Mars squ Neptune is the hallmark of some of the best swimmers, gymnasts and even athletes but also some of the worst drug addicts! However, we are quite sure he will not go into drugs at all and is probably excellent in understanding all about nutrition and health matters (Virgo planets).
Being a Mutable sign, he has a fast and flexible mind and fast reflexes and is great at making up fast strategies. Moon in Sagittarius also gives him some showmanship and the Mars in Aries side makes him want to take chances. He has to be careful of lack of sleep and may even be slightly anemic so needs iron as well (Moon conj Saturn). This aspect also indicates low blood pressure and low heart beat which many athletes are also born with.
It is possible that he was born early morning and has Mars in his 10th house, another hallmark of those who achieve fame in sports. He will have Leo as part of his 2nd house and may even do movies or documentaries at some point.
It is amazing how many experts were sayng that Lin was going to fail after two games and wouldn't ever come close to those numbers again, yet he put up 38 points against Kobe Bryant's Lakers. Jeremy has gone head to head with Devon Williams, John Wall, Derek Fisher, Kobe Bryant, and Ricky Rubio, and come out ahead in every game. In fact, both Magic Johnson and Kobe made very complimentary remarks about him.
Jeremy is a true point guard with a pass-first mentality and he'll make the entire team better. Even though he is forced to carry the scoring load now, I am sure he will be happy to go back to run the team and spread the shots for other players once they return.
He has exceptional court vision, can make fast passes with either hands (Mercury in a Mutable sign), can score and make the shots, pass the ball to the open guys, he can do jump shots, and he almost never misses a free throw!
We have no doubt that this underdog could be developing into one of the best players in the league and wish him all the success as he never fails to give his best to the game and his fans.
From mid March till mid-May 2012, Lin is getting a square from Jupiter to his Mars which will make him even more daring and is an indication of major success and opportunities. April and May are also great for contractual matters. However, mid June till mid July is an accident configuration for him and mid July is when his immune system is down (applies to his whole generation). May and June is also great for writing and one of the luckiest transits for both money and love matters.
From 2010 till mid-2011, Saturn was opposing Jeremy's Mars and squaring his natal Neptune. Besides being mentally stressful, this was a major accident configuration which gets touched off every seven years. It may have been a blessing in disguise that he was not picked up by the big leagues as he was very susceptible to injuries. From June 2012 onwards, he has a fantastic sextile from Jupiter which is not only a major windfall aspect but also where his athletic ability and recuperative powers will be at their best. He will do extremely well and will keep getting better as he becomes more popular. There is a wide Uranus conj Mars coming up but it is still a couple of years away. This is one of the aspect of freak accident to the head and spice but as we don't know his time of birth, we cannot be sure which area of life is being affected.
In astrology, I have identified Mars Neptune adverse aspects as indicative of addictive tendencies and obsessions. The orb i.e. how many degrees you take before an exact aspect varies from person to person. Jeremy Lin is born with an obsessive Mars Neptune square. Mars (energy and action) and Neptune (creativity and inspiration) certainly points to his amazing fluid movements, his sense of rhythm, his perfect timing and his total dedication to his art. In fact, you will be hard pressed to find any other aspect in his chart which points to his obsessive dedication to sports than this his Mars sq Neptune.
Unlike other celebrities, Jeremy will keep sublimating his obsessions in positive ways. This aspect unfortunately also makes one a target for scandals and bad reactions to drugs or medicated and he always has to be careful of head injuries (Mars in Aries). Sports is one of the best way to offset the Mars Neptune theme and he just needs to make sure that he also gives time for his body to recover.
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