Wimbledon 2008
Astro-Insights: Wimbleton Match 2008
I had just written about Venus and Serena when I saw the match between Roger Federer and Raphael Nadal. Interestingly, they both had Jupiter making as an aspect to their natal Mars (which I mentioned for Venus Williams!) except that they both had this amazing high-energy transit at the same time.
Roger Federer was actually behind two sets but managed to equalize it and at one time was just two points away from winning the championship...a remarkable comeback. His Moon in Scorpio along with Mercury in Leo gave him the tenacity and keep his cool under stress.
Unfortunately for him, Moon, Mars, and Saturn were all in his 12th house. Moon in Virgo also indicates the rain they had (I wrote in Oct. 1986 about rain when Moon is in Virgo or Pisces, storms for Pisces actually).
Moon in his 12th house would have made him feel quite run down and disappointed but It is amazing that he was able to override the tiredness with the Jupiter Mars transit. He only lost by two points in the end. They both played like real champions. We don't know Raphael Nadal's time of birth but will hopefully find it soon so we can elaborate on it more.
If you go to club9000.com and go to the Moon's Transits and print out the Key to Moon's transits and the July Moon's table, you can find out which column applies to you based on your date and time of birth and then use it to find what is the number of the day. use this number (1 to 12) to see what the interpretation is in the Key to Moon's transits. You will find that when it is #8, you always get money and when it is #12, you always feel run down. Every month this theme repeats itself! Obama's column, by the way, is "H" and McCain, as well as Bill Clinton both, have column "D", same as the USA chart. Now you can follow events in their life also.
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