Update 9 Sep 2022
We just heard the sad news that the Queen passed away on 8th Sep 2022.
In The Next King - Prince Charles or Prince William, written in Oct 2021, I mentioned that " ...Saturn conjuncts her Mars on 28th Aug 2022 so a month before and after is a depleting configuration for health.
Even though she had gone through this aspect before, Saturn was going down in her chart and this is when people go into an obscure phase and retire.
As we had mentioned in the same article, Prince Charles is now King Charles III and our prediction was correct and every psychic who predicted that he will never be King was totally wrong.
In fact, King Charles III will be one of the best monarchs after his mother. He is extremely knowledgeable and deeply cares for tradition and culture.
Written Oct 2021
The Horoscope of Queen Elizabeth II shows that she is a Taurus and the longest-reigning monarch in history. Taurus makes her very down-to-earth and dependable but she also has a very strong and inquisitive mind (Mercury in Aries). Both Leonardo da Vince and Albert Einstein were born with Mercury in Aries. Mercury in Aris gives a very strong technical mind. In fact, during the war, the Queen served as a mechanic!
Neptune in Leo (once in 165 years) is a generation of the Age of the Golden Movies, and these monarchs stood out in the crowd and were very charismatic. The Shah of Iran and Pierre Trudeau were also born with Neptune in Leo, as were many charismatic and famous actors like Marlon Brando and Marilyn Monroe.
Mercury conjunct Uranus makes her witty and rather inventive but also points to unexpected news, which creates a lot of mental stress for her from time to time.
Saturn sq Neptune indicates deep phobias and mental stress in children. The public antics of Princess Diana and Meghan Markel certainly caused a lot of grief to her,
Capricorn Ascendant shows a very strong sense of responsibility and taking on too many duties from an early age.
The Queen’s 7th house is Cancer and Leo, which is exactly the Duchess of Cornwall, Camilla’s chart shows the ideal complement to her personality, and they do get along well.
It also points to her husband from Royal heritage (Leo as part of the 7th house).
By transit, Saturn is moving below her 2nd house very soon, and this is the time people tend to retire and keep a low profile.
Prince William has a very similar timing to the Quen with only half sign away (Sagittarius rising and the Queen has Capricorn rising).
People tend to disappear when Saturn starts moving below the 2nd house, and their focus shifts to either building the foundation if they are young (like in Prince William’s case) or taking care of their health and personal affairs.
Saturn opposed her Moon throughout 2021 and is exact on 29 Dec 2021. This makes one very anemic and ages them (an adverse Saturn-Moon aspect happens approx every 7 years and weakens the eyesight as well as creating depression and feeling very depleted. All she needs is one spoon of iron every day! Her condition will improve after the end of Jan by mid-Feb 2021. However, Saturn conjuncts her Mars on 28th Aug 2022 so a month before and after is a depleting configuration for health.
Oct 2021
Horoscope of Prince Charles
Prince Charles has Leo rising, although he seems more like Cancer rising with long arms and closeness to home and family. He still would have Leo in the first house, giving him a dignified and personal authority and charisma. Cancer and Leo would be part of his 12th house, with Leo rising which is the house for secret love and secret passion and hidden matters. The Duchess of Cornwall, Camilla, would fit this perfectly as he had to hide her from everyone and got a lot of negative publicity because of the relationship.
By transit, Jupiter is in his 8th house now for one year (inheritance and major investments), and Saturn is moving above the 7th house (public eye). Saturn reaches the peak of his 10th house in seven years, while Jupiter touches his 10th house of fame and highest public profile in March 2023.
In other words, Prince Charles is coming up in the public eye for the next 14 years, with June 2026 being the highest time for recognition and achievement. We see him becoming the King for a long time, and he is one of the most knowledgeable and caring people among the Royals. The Prince’s trust oversees more than 350 charities around the world and he donates millions of pounds from his paintings every year to the poor and needy.
We forecast that Prince Charles will be the next King of England.
Written Oct 2021
Prince William has Sagittarius Ascendant like his mother, Princess Diana. He was born on a New Moon with Sun and Moon both being in the sign of Cancer.
This makes him very caring, and both Sun and Moon are in his 7th house of marriage, along with the Leo sign. This is very reflective of his wife, who really behaves like a Princess and carries herself very well, and I am sure will be a future Queen also.
Venus in Taurus gives Prince William a strong need for tradition and a love of history. Prince Charles has Moon in Taurus, so this Moon and Venus is a strong affectionate tie between the father and son.
Prince William was born with Neptune in Sagittarius, and his age generation is the most philosophical age group that is concerned for humanity and matters which affect the masses. Abraham Lincoln and Maritn Luther King were also born with Neptune in Sagittarius (once every 165 years cycle).
With Mercury in Gemini, Prince William has a marketing talent and will probably be the most social media-connected future King of England.
Mars cnj Saturn in Libra in his 9th house reflects Princess Diana’s tragic accident in Paris (Libra points to a city famous for its fashion), and the 9th house is foreign countries while traveling.
Saturn is moving down in his chart, which indicates keeping a low profile and focusing on building the groundwork. This is probably the charities and climate concerns and building networks around the world for mental health etc.
Saturn reaches his 4th house in March 2028 (the lowest point of the public eye but highest for self-development and a focus on self and laying foundations.
In other words, rather than coming out more publicly, Prince William is going into a retirement phase and will not be King for quite some time.
We will keep you updated as to how they are offsetting the neg themes.
Prince Charles and Prince William are both born with their Head Lines joined to their LifeLine.
This shows that they will not deviate from historical values and have a deep respect for tradition and culture.
This also makes them very dependable and trustworthy in the long run but very cautious.
This is in sharp contrast to Princess Diana and Meghan Markle, who both had their headlines separate from the LifeLine and rebelled against authority and tradition.
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