by Hassan Jaffer
Three Grand trines in Water = Emotional, Psychic ability
Moon in Scorpio in 8th = Excellent for medicine and research. Saw imprisonments and jails in dreams. Did anatomy.
Moon trine Mars (both in Water signs) = intensifies feelings and emotions. One of the "psychic" configurations.
Moon in Scorpio trine Jupiter in Cancer (both in Water signs) = Prophetic dreams. Spiritual parents.
Moon trine Uranus = Psychic flashes. Visual perception.
Mercury sextile Mars = Strong and forceful mind.
Mercury in Capricorn opp Jupiter in Cancer = Prophetic quatrains in a few words. Philosophical writings. Exaggeration.
Mercury in Cap. sextile Uranus = Practical inventive mind and ideas.
Mars conj. Saturn in Cancer in 5th house = Authority conflicts, temper, fire, head injuries (brain tumour?). Heart (acidity and ulcers). Children died of Plague (Mars opp Neptune = nightmares)
Mars opp. Neptune = Nightmare and delusions. Scandals and fraud. Wrong hunches and acting upon them. Doomsday prophesy. Saw nothing but death and destruction, fire and diseases, intrigue and backstabbing. This opposition was in from his 5th house (children)
Jupiter conj Saturn = Entrepreneurial and workaholic.
Saturn opp. Neptune = Phobias and deep insecurities.
Uranus in Pisces = Sudden intuition (the whole age group had this).
Pluto in Sagittarius = Radical changes in philosophy and religion. Children born between Nov. 1995 and 2008 also have Pluto in Sagittarius!
I have rectified the Ascendant of Nostradamus to Pisces instead of the 3 degrees Aries. I just do not believe he had an Aries rising at all as his whole image seems much like a sage with a Pisces aura of pathos around him.
In fact, Pisces and Aries in the first house would also account for most of his predictions i.e. fire and destruction against a background of tragedy and sadness.
It is quite possible that Nostradamus himself gave an incorrect rising sign for himself to confuse people, which he always did in all his work. Everything fits perfectly with Pisces rising now.
Your Tube Video Analysis by Hassan Jaffer
Nostradamus was born in France on Dec 14, 1503.
His amazing prophecies were made in four-line verses, collectively known as Centuries, and were published in 1555.
He was a physician and an astrologer who came to prominence in the court of Catherine de Medici, when he predicted the death of her husband, King Henry, in a jousting accident. He probably wrote what he felt but unfortunately, he only saw disasters!
I have never been impressed by his doomsday prophecies even though some of them were quite interesting. Did Nostradamus have special powers? Was he a fraud?
Have people manipulated his work to suit their own purposes (as Hitler did)? My analysis and the shocking conclusion are based on his natal chart and his transits when Centuries was published.
The Sun was in Capricorn because of the 10-day Calendar adjustment. The famous seer certainly had psychic abilities (grand trines in Water signs) and probably was quite well read and thorough (Mercury in Capricorn and opp to Jupiter). Water's sensitivity and Earth's practicality are always nurturing but his Capricorn and Scorpio planets (materialistic and need for power) made him a "corporate psychic" who selected Kings and not the poor! He was not as sensitive to people as Edgar Cayce (who was more into healing) but focused more on natural disasters and the reversal of fortunes of those in power. Moon in Scorpio (probably in the 12th house) gave him a passion for research, secret codes and mysteries of life.
Moon in Scorpio also gives prophetic insights but more into upheavals than positive events. Moon trine Mars is another psychic aspect as it intensifies emotions and feelings. Moon sextile Jupiter (happiness from spirituality and occult) indicates that he came from a spiritual family and also had a deep faith in God. This aspect often gives visionary powers but Hitler was also born with it.
He probably was a deep, serious, introverted, practical person with a lot of focus and concentration. He did not use wild imagination (like some of Edgar Cayce's premonitions of seven stones neatly laid out at the bed of the ocean etc.!), was immune to tears without being cruel, wrote in point form and did not waste words nor cared to explain much (Mercury in Capricorn). Capricorn and Scorpio themes of power, misuse of power, tyrants, dictators and revolutions etc. dominate his predictions.
In other words, the doomsday prophecies of Nostradamus are almost a pure reflection of his own chart! He also had a Mars opp. Neptune (wrong hunches and acting upon them) and almost every word from my Oct/Nov.'96 article applies to him and is projected in his prophecies including intrigue, backstabbing, fraud, nightmares, danger through poison, animals, betrayal etc. Alfred Hitchcock (same natal aspect) shared his nightmares with others in films!
Nostradamus had a Mars Saturn conjunction in Cancer (no wonder he talks a lot about events involving fire and sharp objects!) . This is a classic aspect of rebelliousness against authority which often leads to heart problems, migraine headaches, temper and flying off the handle. My conclusion is that he had a benign tumour which touched certain parts of the brain connected to cosmic consciousness or related to paranormal phenomena.
There are certain parts of the brain that (when stimulated by an external probe or an internal tumour) make you remember the past and communicate with people who have long passed away. I am quite sure that his benign tumour made him lash out with his quatrains whenever he had bouts of temper or headaches.
This is not to say that he had no psychic powers but merely that his visions were coloured by his Moon in Scorpio, Mars Saturn conj. and Mars Neptune opposition. Pluto was sxt his Mercury when he wrote his quatrains which does give an element of Truth.
Nostradamus was not given to wishful thinking, but his chart reminds me of an angry preacher who, powerless to change the system, gets even with everyone by talking about God's wrath. He was a Sephardic Jew who converted to Catholicism which was perfect to sublimate his feelings of persecution and guilt (Saturn opp. Neptune) toward others!
He subconsciously resented those leading a luxurious lifestyle, worked hard himself and lead a life of isolation and self-contained power. He hardly wrote in favour of any King and actually became famous for his predictions about their doom!
Nostradamus saw a series of events with no relation to time. People usually remember the passage of time through events which serve as time markers. The changes in these events lead to the awareness of time as well. The doomsday prophecies of Nostradamus hardly changed from one to the other and were not time-related to him at all. He was talking about the same themes with slight changes over and over again. In essence, many of his predictions had a pragmatic basis despite their often superstitious interpretations.
His morbid fascination for the mysterious elements of gloom and doom along with his Mars Neptune opposition may have been the burning meteorites, fires and hail and storms and lightning he experienced in his head.
However, it is also quite possible that some of these events did touch the cosmic consciousness and became uncannily accurate. It is unfortunate though that there was hardly any positive event foretold by the great seer. Unfortunately, the tabloids are a big business and are capitalizing on doomsday prophecies by playing on the insecurities and phobias of the masses.
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