Horoscope of PM Nawaz Sharif Highlights:
Moon in Scorpio = Intense emotions, secretive, non-forgiving but cause-oriented. Moon in 12th danger of isolation..
Moon sextile Jupiter = Public response. Excellent for politicians for approval
Moon sextile Saturn: May have difficulty expressing emotions. Emotionally reserved. Makes one more single-minded. Good for land development and building properties.
Moon square Pluto = Ability to destroy to recreate which is good for renovations but non rather forgiving. Moon in 12th Secret enemies being women in power.
Mercury in Capricorn = Does not waste words. Quaid-i-Azam also had the same placement but also had Mercury trine Pluto which gives the conscious awareness of the truth that NS does not have. Wisdom element. Long-range planning. Rather dry and few words. Interestingly, many poets are also born with this.
Mercury conjunct Jupiter = Spiritual side and philosophical ideals. Good for preaching and public speaking but not dramatic or enthusiastic (Mercury in Capricorn). Import-export. Foreign negotiations. Broadminded.
Mercury trine Saturn = Corporate thinking. Administrative ability. Very focused. Ability to delegate work.
Venus in Sagittarius = Easy going and a love of comfort. Has to be careful of taking shortcuts and weight problems because of their love of luxury and good life. Romantic nature but controlled (sq to Saturn).
Venus sq Saturn = Difficulty expressing feelings but tones down playboy quality.
Mars square Neptune = Feelings of betrayal, Nightmare configuration. Has to be careful of dubious and fraudulent people around. Trusting the wrong people.
Jupiter in Capricorn trine Saturn = Entrepreneurial and global ventures. Huge projects. Building and construction.
Latest update: 11 Feb. 2008: With Saturn right on top of his chart, we feel that Nawaz Sharif's party will win the election on 18th Feb. 2008. However, as we mentioned below, the nightmare configuration for his generation is not finished till the end of April 2008 which includes President Musharraf as well. Unfortunately, we don't have the time for Asif Zardari of Bhutto's party except for the fact that he is a Leo.
After the election, and especially after April 2008, it will be much easier to comment more on the parties as the major stress will b over by then. The positive thing in his favor is that Jupiter is aspecting his Mercury in Cancer which does him the luck element till the end of Dec which may be enough time for him to take the lead in hand. He does have good executive ability actually and is also excellent at public relations.
Detailed Analysis (written in July 2007)
Pakistan's ex-Prime Minister is an ambitious and goal-oriented person who is rather difficult for people to understand. He is also full of seeming contradictions which make his personality both dry and emotionally inhibited, yet friendly and easygoing.
secretive but is full of contradictory elements in his personality which can make
On one side, he is a real perfectionist (his father must have been very ethical) yet can surround himself with people who are fraudulent and inept. Although he can be quite hard working, he also has a tendency to take shortcuts as he enjoys luxury and comfort.
On one side he can be quite tough and non-forgiving yet has an excellent ability to envisage huge building projects to help the needy and poor. He just has to be very careful that his love of luxury and comfort does not invite only the rich and powerful in his company. Mars square Neptune is a classic aspect of betrayal from his very circle of friends and he never let down his guard.
The father of the nation, Quaid-i-Azam also had Mercury in Capricorn but was more of a visionary as he also had a Mercury trine Pluto. Hamid Karzai of Afghanistan is also born with the same configuration but unfortunately got sold out to the big business. Nawaz Sharif has a strong chart but needs a bit more empathy and compassion. He has long-term friends but may alienate himself by appearing too tough or emotionally isolated from others.
Venus in Sagittarius gives him an easy-going personality but Mon in Scorpio squared to Pluto is probably the most difficult aspect and reflects secret enemies including women in power. Healthwise, he has to be careful of his kidneys and urogenital area. Mr. Sharif has a mind of his own and can be hard working but quite misunderstood as he will tend to be drawn to big business and power.
He certainly has enough toughness to be the PM of Pakistan, but he needs to sublimate his non-forgiving side into saving the masses and helping build large-scale housing instead of showing any personal vindictiveness.
Transits (written July 2007)
With Saturn moving up towards the zenith of his chart, this is the first time that Mr. Sharif has a strong chance of getting back in power. Even though Benazir Bhutto (also an ex-PM) is right behind and may choose to make some power-sharing deals with President Musharraf, Mr. Sharif's chances are very strong and he is much more practical than Ms. Bhutto. She will be an excellent foreign minister but is too emotional and cannot separate truth from fantasy. Her Mercury square Neptune makes her like a Mensa yet someone who can make emotional misjudgments. However, she is excellent with the media and knows how to manipulate the system.
Interestingly, Saturn is now at the top of his chart for the first time and if is elected PM again, he will stay for at least the next seven years before retiring. Saturn has just left his 9th house of law and his legal woes are almost over. Saturn in the 10th is an excellent time to gain power and most leaders gain their maximum potential during this period. He also has some excellent transits from throughout 2008 but I am afraid that he may be a little too harsh on his opponents and others are quite non-forgiving to his opponents in Punjab.
He will be very productive in rebuilding the country as Saturn represents long-range planning and while trining his natal Jupiter, his entrepreneurial skills will be at their best. Hopefully, he will keep the interest of his country and focus more on corporate restructuring and government reform rather than expend his energy on getting even with adversaries.
With Mars making adverse aspects to his natal Neptune (like everyone born in the 40s), he is in danger and a nightmare period right up till mid-Nov. 2007 and again in March and April 2008. If we take the transiting orbs a bit higher, then the danger is continuous even in Dec. 2007 and Jan. 2008. However, this is a continuous theme and he may still feel betrayed or come to wrong conclusions during these months and has to be very careful of his words and any press releases he makes.
Nawaz Sharif does have excellent administrative skills and a luck element throughout 2008 which will help him stabilize the country and with his long-term goals should he come to power. His main conflict may be the U.S. trying to block him and the Saudi authorities indirectly influenced by them as well.
Most Likely Return Dates to Pakistan: Mr. Sharif has some excellent publicity on 7th and 8th of Sep. 2007 and but if he comes after the 9th, he can expect hassles. Moon is in Leo on 7th and 8th right on top of his chart which is the best time for fame and publicity. it goes into Virgo on the 9th till the 11th which is not the best aspect and when people tend to be very critical and he also has disappointments on the 10th. Moon is in Libra on the 12th and 13th till mid 14th. The most dangerous time for him is when the Moon goes into Scorpio from 14th Sep to 17th.
This is where the Moon was in his chart when he was born and is the sign of institutions and jails. Instead of bringing out the worst of those in power, he should go before this period otherwise there will be a lot of bloodshed and violence between 14th and 17th Sep.
However, it is his Moon in Scorpio that neither forgets nor forgives which could prevent him from getting into power as he needs to project more cooperation instead of being confrontational or keeping a very low profile only.
Astro Analysis of Events in the Past: With Jupiter rising in his chart, he first became the caretaker Chief Minister in May 1988. However, Saturn was transiting his 2nd house and conjunct his Sun sign and Jupiter, it probably was not an easy ride for him.
With Jupiter in Leo in Nov. 1990, he became the Prime Minister. However, with Saturn conjunct his Mars (what President Musharraf has been getting from July 2006 till Aug. 2007), he went through a tough time and was dismissed in Apr. 1993 when Saturn was at the very bottom of his chart, indicating very little public support.
Although in July 1993, he was reinstated as PM, he resigned while being investigated and having continuous conflicts with the legal system (Mars was making a station in his 10th house (career) and conjunct his Saturn (major legal hassles).
In Oct. 1999, with Saturn opposing his Moon in Scorpio (disappointment and lack of public approval), he was overthrown in a military coup and sent into exile. However, Saturn had started going up in his chart and this is the time when one builds their foundation and team.
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