Horoscope Analysis
By Hassan Jaffer
Sun in Scorpio sq Saturn = Very tenacious and single minded.
Moon trine Jupiter = Excellent public response.
Moon in Pisces in 11th = Strong humanitarian tendencies especially feels for children and senior citizens. Acutely sensitive to the needy and poor. However Mercury also being in Scorpio and with 4 planets in water signs, she may not be very objective and one has to be the underdog to be her friend..
Moon sq Uranus = Good for media but upheavals at home. Erratic mood swings. Manic depression late 2008 till summer 2009.
Mercury in Scorpio sq Saturn = Left handed. Very stubborn but focused. Neither forgets nor forgives easily. Very thorough researcher.
Mercury conj. Venus = Eloquent in speech. Well spoken. Writing.
Venus in Scorpio sq Saturn = Very loyal but few friends. Can hang on to lost causes.
Mars conj. Saturn in Leo = Authority conflicts. Accidents. Heart.
Mars conj. Pluto = Often an indication of violence.
Mars in Leo = Fancy cars (limos). Temper because of delicate ego.
Mars sxt Neptune = Obsessive tendencies.
Neptune in 5th = Daughter Chelsea is a Pisces (Neptune rules Pisces). Daughter will be very humanitarian as well..
Scorpio on 6th-7th house cusp: Enemies at work and husband may undermine her interests.
Updated Oct 10th, 2016
On the inauguration date 20th Jan 2017, Moon is in Scorpio, Hilary's Sun sign doesn't necessarily bode well for her. However, it is a very important aspect of where the USA is heading and who is controlling this whole drama. Moon in Scorpio is one of the most dangerous times (2 to 3 days every month). Here is what our personalized program AstroCalendar & Oracle says about Moon in Scorpio: People will be motivated by power, dark moods, fear and morbid thoughts now and acts of destructiveness will abound. People tend to be more obsessive, intense, sarcastic and vindictive now. Be tactful to avoid making enemies and cultivating bitter rivalries later on. Don't be resentful or fatalistic. Remain optimistic, be more forgiving and keep a low profile. Excellent days for self-mastery, research, and power of the mind. Drink more water, cut down on red meat and avoid dark alleys. Political violence, assassinations, and funerals in the news. People are more susceptible to kidney and urogenital area problems now. Scorpio colors are Black and Burgundy (colors of Dracula!)".
The result of what you can expect for the next four years is perfectly symbolized by the Moon in Scorpio on the inauguration date. The neocons have hijacked the election again and have taken Hillary as their willing partner to carry on their warpath and have no interestest in peace. I am afraid the Jupiter in Libra transit will be wasted without any peace in Mideast again. The only hope is that Putin (who has Jupiter touching off his Mercury in Libra till summer 2017) will remain the rational force and bring about some stability in Syria.
Updated Oct 9th, 2016
Donald Trump really exposed Hillary Clinton in the 2nd Debate. As we had mentioned before, there are chances for a major peace treaty with Jupiter being in Libra till Aug 2017. Unfortunately, the people supporting Hillary are exactly the same who pushed for the war in Iraq, regime change in Libya and now the Syria debacle. Hillary was instrumental in pushing for the war in Libya which completely destroyed the county and is still creating major problems in that part of the world.
Sending millions of dollars to rebels and the opposition was one of the worst decisions made by the Obama administration and not only fully supported by Hillary Clinton but actually pushed by her aggressively. The same people easily duped the US to give millions to Al-Qaeda and eventually ISIS fighters.
Donald Trump called Hillary out on all of these points and was correct about the position of the Russians, the Syrian government as well as the Iranians fighting ISIS. The US still supports the so called opposition even though they are clueless about who they really are.
Hillary Clinton calling Putin a “thug” is an indication of her readiness to go to war again and being a hawk along with the rest of the Neocon lobby. The likes of Soros, Kagan, Dick Cheney and people controlling The Washington Post make it obvious that she is a sellout, and is leading the USA to another major confrontation in Syria.
It is amazing how CNN keeps talking about Trump in his video 11 years ago just to deflect the damaging emails which exposed her hypocritical attitude towards the voters. There was absolutely no doubt in my mind that Trump won the 2nd debate hands down but it is totally against the neocon agenda and those who own the media. Hillary seems to have better chances because she is being supported by those whose livelihood depends on wars and who have become oblivious to the needs of the masses. As she said in one of the leaked documents, Hillary doesn’t relate to the middle class at all.
Donald Trump has a Mercury sq Neptune which makes him extremely skillful in negotiations and also like a saint and a con artist put together! If anyone can fix the tax loopholes, it is Donald Trump as he took full advantage of the loopholes and as they say it takes one to know one.
In contrast, with six planets in fixed signs, Hillary has the chart indicative of a ruthless dictator. The only hope is that she comes with Bill Clinton who was instrumental in bringing the peace treaty between Israelis and the Palestinians. This is extremely crucial and Donald Trump is the only one in the race who has talked about peace besides Bill Clinton who may indirectly influence Hillary Clinton in a positive way.
We will keep you updated but it is important to be objective and look at the base character of Hillary. Trump may have found all the loopholes which he now claims to want to fix, but Hillary destroyed all the emails along with the classified documents. There is absolutely no way anyone can lie to Donald Trump and get away with it. However, Hillary is not really a liar as much as she is extremely secretive, elitist (Mars, Saturn and Pluto in Leo) and is definitely not a team player. She will misuse her powers as she has done many times in the past in all her foreign policies while Donald Trump will get the right people and delegate everything. He has executive ability which Hillary does not.
On the positive side, Hillary shows to be authentic and will sincerely help children and women. AT the same time, She couldn’t care less for white men and will pull America into dangerous confrontation because she is not flexible and doesn’t believe in negotiations – Sun, Mercury and Venus in Scorpio sq Mars, Saturn and Pluto!
Hillary has a chart which shows her to be one who will always be drawn to those with power and can be extremely ruthless as well as vindictive. Mercury in Scorpio can be positive or negative depending on how you use your vindictive side. Madame Curies used it for research whereas Charles Manson used it to control others. Hillary’s chart is more destructive and can easily be in bed with evil forces. In fact, she will have to use a lot of free choices to sublimate in positive ways. Hillary appears to be aligned to some of the worst enemies of the American people and has already been linked to millions of families being homeless and killed through the wars.
Pluto moving through Hillary’s 7th house (marriage) reflects events relating to her marriage partner Bill Clinton which may make her more moderate towards others, although there is nothing moderate about her chart as it is one of the most radical ones I have seen. The only other person I can compare her chart to is Condoleezza Rice who has no compassion whatsoever in her chart and was extremely destructive and driven by the same hunger for power.
Even though I believe Donald Trump is very wrong about Iran and their intentions, I was quite shocked how clear he is in his evaluation of the Middle East and his aversion to regime change or nation-building.
Updated June 2006:
Senator Hillary Clinton has a lot of communication difficulties from Aug. 2006 till Aug. 2007. As Saturn is transiting the obscure sector of her chart, she will tend to keep a very low profile and we do not see her being successful in her bid for Presidency at all. In fact, it would be quite contrary to her inner timing for her to even make a bid at this time. After 2009 or 2010 onwards, we see her rising in terms of public support. 2006 and 2007 is a good time for her to lay the foundation for future success and also to look after her health. (This prediction already came true as she lost the Presidential nomination).
Primary Indiana: 6 May 2008: We predict a decisive win for Obama: This has the transits exactly reversed for the two candidates. Hillary has Moon going down whereas Obama has it moving up and training his Jupiter (exactly opposite to Pennsylvania!). This will really propel Obama ahead and in the eyes of the super delegates.
Primaries: Pennsylvania 22 April 2008: We predict a win for Hilary who has Moon moving above the horizon and conjunct her Jupiter (good public response and happiness). Obama has Moon going down the horizon and Mars opp Saturn.
Latest Update 30 Dec 2012
In our last update on June 2006 below, we mentioned that "Mars, Saturn, and Pluto close together in Leo in her 3rd house indicate the verbal fights at her home even when she was at the Whitehouse! This also indicates danger to her heart but we feel that this may point to a Brain aneurysm that she is very susceptible to (especially if she has Taurus rising which puts Aries on her 12th). The conjunction is probably in her 4th house so the fights at home.
Hilary's Mars Saturn conjunction is getting touched off by Saturn from Jan to Mar 2013 and at the end of 2013 and in 2014 which often points to any surgeries. Besides Saturn, Mars can also trigger this configuration at least four times every year. Mars sets off her aspect next on 21st Jan, 10 May and 30 Sep 2013. These are called "accident configurations" but in her case, as she has Aries as part of her 12th house (major health house), this becomes more dangerous. However, Saturn is rising in her chart and she will most likely recover but she always has to be careful of too much stress.
The Mars conj Saturn in Leo, considered a major accident configuration, is one of the indications of heart and heat-related illnesses. However, it is the frustration and running out of time constantly which seems to trigger both the stroke as well as any brain tumors. As Hilary is not a multitasking person (Mercury in Scorpio), her high powered job brings on even more stress.
In Dec 2012, she had a Mars sq Neptune (scandals, nightmare period and reduced immune system) when it started. and the attack was probably triggered by the likes of John McCain and the misguided Congress, who have nothing better to do than to waste millions and wanting her to testify about Benghazi.
Nicole Kidman and Tom Cruise both have Saturn Mars adverse transits during the same period as well. Legal matters and any problems with authority figures is also part of the same aspect. Here is a complete article about the Mars Saturn adverse transit and how you can offset it.
Updated July 2008
I just realized that Hillary Clinton's Ascendant may be Taurus instead of Gemini and here is the astrological reasoning behind it:
Hillary Clinton, in my opinion, is Scorpio rising! She is definitely not fickle in anything like a Gem rising as most astrologers have indicated.
There are some indications of Taurus rising e.g.:
1- When she met Bill Clinton, her future husband, Jupiter was in Sag in her 7th (he was studying law like her!).
2- When Chelsea was born, Saturn was in her 5th (restrictions due to children) and Jupiter was also transiting her 5th (lucky for having children).
3- In 2008 she raised more millions than in any time in her life, guess where Jupiter was transiting? In her 8th of course!
Moon in Pisces in her 11th is the volunteer work etc that she is involved in (almost similar to Neptune in 11th with Scorpio rising).
5- Elected a senator when Saturn touched her 1st house (new responsibilities).
Saturn is starting to rise in her chart and Jupiter will be on top in the 10th in 2009, indicating she is on her way to being involved with a lot of charities and issues pertaining to the welfare of the people but not as President Saturn is still below the 7th (in her 5th in fact).
Neptune in her 5th house also indicates her Pisces daughter Chelsea as Neptune "rules" Pisces! Chelsea will probably be very humanitarian.
What Does Mars, Saturn, and Pluto in 4th indicate? Fights at home and arguments even when she was in the White House. Her fame was not for herself but when was at the WH entertaining heads of different countries. Saturn is not in her 3rd but a Saturn sq Mercury will also make her left-handed, which she is.
When she found out about her husband's tryst, Moon was in Aries going into Taurus in her 12th house.
Her open enemy would be her 7th house (Scorpio on 7th) which makes sense even though Bill Clinton helped her a lot, it was because of him and his enemies (like that stupid Kenn Starr who wasted $40 million) that brought her a lot of humiliation.
Bill Clinton has Aries and Taurus on his 7th, which would match her personality if she has Taurus rising. Taurus is also one of the most dependable rising signs along with her Venus in Scorpio (in terms of her marriage).
Here is the chart of a very determined and deeply committed Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton. Regardless of what people think of her, she certainly is very dedicated to her causes and has her own agenda. Although she is not a selfish person, she will have no calms about using people if she feels it is going to help her in her cause. This is probably one of the main reasons she stuck with Bill Clinton, who really helped her a lot in her career as far as contacts in concerned.
Hillary Clinton’s chart is that she has Mercury in Scorpio square to Pluto and Saturn. This is not only the hallmark of a stubborn dictator who demands absolute loyalty, she cannot undo the damage when she violates Divine truths. She cannot identify with normal housewives and can change the whole system and not be able to undo it. It also makes her very sarcastic particularly with those she is close to.
The biggest challenge for her is to get a good team together. She is a loner and it is difficult for her to trust anyone. She is a very loyal friend to have, but don’t cross her as she neither forgets nor forgives. She is very dedicated to whatever cause she chooses to support but the problem is that to be her friend, you have to have a few problems! She is a natural savior but unlike her husband President Clinton who had intelligent leadership ability, she is very secretive and likes to keep complete control over everything she does.
Her 6th house is Libra and Scorpio with Neptune also there, which indicates that she would work well with Bill Clinton who has Libra rising. It also shows that her enemies will be mostly because of her husband. This is also the rising sign of the U.S. which she obviously is very dedicated to.
Her 7th house is Scorpio Sagittarius which indicates her lessons of life involving her marriage partner. Pluto leaving her 7th house (last degrees are always more critical) indicates that President Clinton has to be very careful of his health especially as Saturn squares his Mars again from summer 2009 for one year. Jupiter in her 7th shows the philosophical ideals and the international and multicultural values promoted by her husband.
Mars, Saturn and Pluto close together in Leo in her 3rd house indicate the verbal fights at her home even when she was at the Whitehouse! This also indicates danger to her heart but we feel that this may point to a Brain aneurysm that she is very susceptible to (especially if she has Taurus rising which puts Aries on her12th). (Ed: The conjunction is probably in her 4th house so the fights at home.)
From late summer 2008 till end of 2009, senator Hillary Clinton has Saturn squaring her Moon in Pisces. This is a very depleting aspect and people tend to age under this transit. There may be setbacks which pull her down emotionally and she will be well advised to give herself lots of physical rest during that period. This transit is not good for the home life and family and could also point to a family member's health not being very good. It also affects the eyesight.
Some other people who were born with Mercury in Scorpio are the Shah of Iran, ex-PM of Canada Pierre E. Trudeau, Mahatma Gandhi, Jodi Foster, Madame Curie etc.
Her Mercury Jupiter wide conj. give her a philosophical bent but she is more quietly persuasive than having the oratory charm of Bill Clinton. She tends to grow on people.
With Saturn slowly rising up in her chart, senator Hillary Clinton has already shown her resolve and her ability to come out in the public. Although we were right about Barak Obama as being the presidential nominee, her planets are right behind and we see her definitely coming up again. Late 2008 till end of 2009 is her main challenge due to events relating to her husband..
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