by Hassan Jaffer
Astrological Highlights:
Moon trine Venus = artistic flair, awareness of women’s femininity
Moon trine Jupiter = popularity with public especially women
Moon sq Uranus = visual flashes and ideas, sudden upsets at home, mood swings, unconventional visual perception (runway lighting)
Mercury conj Venus in Scorpio = soft-spoken, erotic designs
Mercury conj Jupiter = literary mind, writing ability, languages
Mercury sq Pluto = sarcasm leads to secret enemies (John Lennon)
Venus in Scorpio conj Jupiter = magnetic, wealthy, love of luxury and comfort, collection of priceless statues and nude paintings, black leather
Venus square Pluto = impossible relationships, victim of crimes of passion, broke society morals and taboos in love, fascinated by beauty as power, danger through love, fatal attractions, hedonistic pleasures
Mars opp Uranus = danger through guns, knives, explosions, assassination threat, freak accidents
Mars trine Pluto = demonic energy, constantly working
Jupiter sq Saturn = self-made entrepreneur, success after 35-40
Jupiter sq Pluto = went against world trends
Saturn sxt Neptune = productive use of creative talents
Neptune in Libra sxt Pluto in Leo = ability to immortalize works of art, beauty, spirituality or music for generations (Leonardo da Vinci had this)
Detailed Analysis of Gianni Versace
Gianni Versace was born with Neptune in Libra, in the same generation as the renaissance when some of the best works of art and beauty were immortalized.
Neptune was also in Libra when Taj Mahal was conceived. Versace brought glamour in the life of Hollywood stars and made many models supermodels on the runway.
He idealized beauty but also thrived in seeking and provoking the deepest hidden passions through his leather and chain outfits. His fashion contained extremes of opposing forces, all the elements found in Beauty and the Beast, sex mixed with style, by draping his sensual and exotic leather collections on extremely feminine models.
Saturn in Leo (like Hitler) made him a lonely eagle and rather unapproachable. People could only come so close and he kept a distance which also isolated him.
Versace was born with a Mars/Uranus opposition which is a classic assassination configuration and indicates danger through guns, knives, and explosives. We have written about this in previous newsletters while discussing the assassination threat to political and other public figures.
Rajiv Gandhi was also born with an adverse Mars/Uranus aspect. John F. Kennedy Jr. is also born with this dangerous aspect and has to be very careful as well. Versace survived before because he also had a Mars/Pluto trine.
I am sure that Versace had Leo rising with some Virgo in his first house which gave him a charismatic personality but made him quiet underneath. This puts the sign of Scorpio on his 3rd and 4th house cusps indicating danger on the road and secret enemies near the home. He was shot and died on the steps (3rd house) of his home (4th house) when Moon was in Scorpio. Marilyn Monroe was also born with the same configuration.
Planetary Transits on 15th July 1997: You can see Gianni Versace’s transits on the outer circle of the horoscope. Versace was walking home and may have even sensed danger as he went around the restaurant and looked back. Mars was in Libra conjunct his Neptune indicating wrong hunches and a nightmare period while walking near the home (see our Oct-Nov’96 issue).
Mars in 3rd also indicates danger from guns and sharp objects or explosives near the home. With Moon in Scorpio (secret gay enemy) in his 3rd house also, he got into an argument with Cunanan and was shot right on the steps of his mansion (4th house).
Anyone with Taurus MC should be careful of danger from friends and relatives near their home especially when Moon is in Scorpio. I believe this is what Saddam Hussain also has and his danger has always been close to his home from his relatives. He even lives in a bomb protected palace!
Subscribers Born With An Adverse Mars-Uranus Aspect: Here are the Client #s for those of you who need to be very careful of freak accidents involving the head area or the spine and danger through guns and knives as well as flying (especially if they are pilots themselves).
Although you are born with this and have to be on guard all your life, there are certain times when this configuration gets touched off more strongly than at other times. In Versace’s case, the Mars/Uranus opp. was from the 4th house and he was shot near his house.
The danger will be wherever Mars is in your natal chart and the only way to offset it is through physical work and action-oriented work in that area.
Public figures: Prince Charles, Princess Diana, John F. Kennedy Jr.(written 45 days before Princess Diana had the tragic accident).
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