by Hassan Jaffer
Astrological Highlights:
Moon in Aquarius in 10th = Fame through Star Wars i.e. movies with special effects and space age gadgetry.
Moon trine Uranus = Master of visual effects. Invents space colonies.
Sun sextile Mars = High energy and drive. Sudden bursts of high drive.
Moon in Aquarius trine Neptune in Libra trine Uranus in Gemini = Grand time in air signs makes him sensitive to ethereal beauty. Created spectacular visual effects of space cities and galactic palaces .
Moon oppose Jupiter = Overwhelming public response. Jedi philosophy.
Moon square Pluto = Destroys planets and in movies! Dark forces in film.
Mercury in Taurus conj. Venus in Taurus = Practical, down-to-earth and well grounded. Writing ability. Focus, tenacity and concentration (Taurus planets).
Mercury in Taurus sq. Pluto = Can be dictatorial and stubborn. Ability to change mass perception. Freud was born with this and many of his theories were discredited. Interferes with divine plan but close to nature.
Jupiter in Leo trine Saturn = Entrepreneurial in show business.
Neptune in Libra in 5th = Natural talent for photography, music and portraying fantasy on the screen. Queen Amidala is like his daughter who will inspire him. Has three adopted children.
Neptune in Libra sextile Pluto = Ability to immortalize beautiful works of art and beauty for generations (Same as another Taurus Leonardo da Vinci).
Detailed Analysis
Here is the chart of a famous Taurus Film Director George Lucas of Star Wars, The Phantom Menace. He has a curious mixture of the most traditional and futuristic elements in his chart. Mercury in Taurus makes him very practical and down-to-earth whereas Moon in Aquarius (like Princess Diana) makes him interested in communities, and space age issues. His Mercury conj. Venus in 12th house makes him a good writer with deep insights in human nature. Mercury sq. to Pluto (like Freud) brings him closer to nature but also gives him the ability to lead people away from Divine truths. It is in fact a blasphemous configuration i.e. these people can distort nature or mislead the masses and not be able to undo the damage. I supppose it is the ease with which he conbines human attributes with the animal kingdom which may be frowned upon and seen as a violation of Nature.
Freud was born with this also and many of his theories have been discredited although some of that may have been for political reasons and to please women! However, George Lucas offsets his negative themes perfectly through his movies! His mixing of human and animal kingdom with JarJar may be considered against nature’s plan but it is only in the movies. His writings carry a scientific message and will probably help future colonies. Mercury in 12th gives him deep psychological insights in human nature which he uses to build themes in his movie.
Moon in Aquarius trine to Uranus is excellent for visual perception and certainly we get some fantastic visions of future colonies. Moon also trine to Neptune shows clearly in his underwater colonies and floating castles. The grand trine in Air gives him the ability to visualize grand schemes and objective ideas about new worlds. However, his Taurus planets still make the whole movie appear quite realistic as opposed to something totally fictitious. There are some morals in the story as well which is typical of someone who has almost a preacher’s chart!
His real inspiration also comes from a deep sadness reflected by Neptune in the 5th house. Not having any children of his own, he adopted three daughters. Now with Queen Amidala, he most likely treats her as his own daughter as she so perfectly shows up in his chart. Her Mercury in Cancer sextiles his Mercury in Taurus and they must get along really well.
Leo on 4th and Jupiter in Leo both indicate living in Hollywood and around show business. Moon in Aquarius opp. Jupiter is fantastic for publicity especially for a space age movie (Aquarius). This is the chart of a master craftsman who has a deep respect for tradition and culture and yet has futuristic visions of real space colonies. He deals with issues which will plague the human race generations from now and presents realistic solutions through his scripts and his characters.
Transits: Uranus and Neptune are both transiting his 10th house of fame and recognition. They are both in Aquarius and represent his use of the best high tech. visual effects and sudden limelight after many years. Neptune in Aquarius also indicates his underwater futuristic masterpieces in the latest Star Wars movie. These planets will stay above the horizon for a number of years almost guaranteeing his success, even as Saturn pulls him back from the public in about two or three years time.
Saturn in 12th: His Saturn return has coincided with new responsibilities with the release of Star Wars after 17 years, and a commitment to make two more episodes within the next three years. From July 2004, Saturn will move into his “obscure” or “retirement phase” and he will have to be very careful of his heart as well (Saturn conj. Mars) The last two years were very stressful and frustrating for George Lucas. With Saturn squaring his Mars, he may even have been in danger of a heart attack (which repeats itself from July 2004 to July 2005).
Saturn has been touching off his Moon, Mercury, Venus and Pluto in a double T-square and continues this till end of 2000. This is a very depleting transit which also shows depression, lack of sleep and many delays. However, Jupiter touching off his Mercury and Venus as well as Moon will certainly help counter Saturn’s adverse effects. He will probably experience both delays as well as philosophical insights.
Both Saturn and Jupiter are making exactly the same transits and while one tries to bring delays, the other will make him more optimistic and confident. This is a real test of his organizing skills and he will finish some of his best works by next summer.Summary: Traditional but totally unconventional! An excellent blend between old (Taurus) and the new (Aquarius) i.e. ancient and futuristic worlds! With Neptune in Libra sextile to Pluto like Leonardo da Vinci, George Lucas has the ability to immortalize inspirational works of art, in his case, visions of futuristic space colonies.
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