by Hassan Jaffer
(written July 1998)
Astrological Highlights
Sun in Scorpio opp Moon in Taurus (Full Moon) = Parents totally different. Destined life. Home and career changes coincide.
Sun square Mars = Aggressive in goals. Sudden bursts of energy.
Sun conjunct Neptune = Excellent for acting and creative career.
Moon opp Neptune = Sadness at home. Missing parent. Escapist tendencies. Alcohol in family. Sensitive to underdog.
Mercury conjunct Neptune = Cannot separate truth from fantasy. Excellent for acting, mystery solving, intuition and script writing.
Mercury in Scorpio square Mars = Aggressive in speech.
Seven planets in Fixed signs = Extremely focused, stubborn and task oriented. Prone to upheavals due to inability to adapt to changes.
Venus in Scorpio = Intense in love. One man woman. Very possessive.
Venus conjunct Neptune = Very idealistic and romantic. Sorrow in love.
Mars in Leo = Temper. Fast cars. Flashy in sports or gymnastics.
Mars oppose Saturn = Accident prone. Rebellious. Legal hassles.
Mars square Neptune = Obsessive. Was addicted to cocaine.
Jupiter in Pisces = Spiritual interests. Healing ability (trined to Neptune).
Jupiter opp. Uranus = Gains through upheavals. Sudden opportunities.
Neptune in Scorpio = Extremes of spirituality and sensuality.
Neptune sextile Pluto = Ability to immortalize plight of the underdog and inspirational moments through acting. Welfare of the masses.
Update June 2006: Demii Moore is going through a major testing period in love matter from Aug. 2006 till Aug. 2007. However she also has a luck element between Aug. and Dec. 2006 which could offset this and also may point to weight gain related to pregnancy. This will also offset the testing period in love (Saturn Venus transit can point to celibacy due to pregnancy so they don't have to actually separate!).
Detailed Analysis
by Hassan Jaffer
(written July 1998)
Here is the chart of one of Hollywood’s highest paid female actresses, Demi Moore. This is one of the most complex charts but one of the most successful ones because of her tremendous tenacity, creative outlets through acting and a certain grounding which comes only after having children.
Demi Moore is extremely stubborn (seven planets in fixed signs), jealous, possessive, caring, acutely sensitive to the needs of others, humanitarian, lonely, vindictive, healing, aggressive, rebellious, obsessive, addictive, idealistic, romantic, insecure, moody, withdrawn, determined, fiercely protective, tenacious and emotionally intense!
It is remarkable how she was able to turn her destiny around...from a sad childhood, missing father, an alcoholic parent, her own addiction to cocain and living in a fantasy world to one of the most successful Hollywood stories. Her chart reminds me of Marilyn Monroe in terms of its sadness at home but her ability to transform her childhood into portrayal of feelings unmatched in Hollywood, is something only a tenacious and determined Scorpio could accomplish. Unfortunately, she is also born with a major accident configuration and needs to be extremely careful of dangerous activities.
Her Mars-Saturn-Neptune T-square is getting touched off from Jan. 99 till Aug. 99 on and off and she will go through somewhat of a nightmare period probably relating to her children and marriage. Instead of diffusing a crisis, she is great at creating upheavals.
Her children must really stabilize her and satisfy her need to have an ever lasting relationship as her love will keep showing up even after hundreds of years through her great-great-grand children! She must be very protective and possessive but also a controlling mother. In fact, her chart is rather dictatorial in some respects but neither selfish nor materialistic. She loves power but is also emotionally vulnerable.
Saturn touching off her Moon this June signalled the demise of her mother and loneliness and depression on her part till next summer. Saturn is also squaring her Mars till end of next year indicating temper and flying off the handle. This also points to legal hassles and being accident prone. Jupiter is trining her Venus till next March which indicates a luck element in her social life, but being a one man woman and a devoted mother, she may not take the opportunities. Saturn squaring her Moon (like Prince Charles and Clinton) as well as her Venus from next year till mid. 2000, she will go through major separations and a depleting period.
To Summarize: Demi Moore is quite talented and makes up for any lack of it through sheer determination. She is extremely physical but can jump the gun and make all kinds of wrong decisions. She needs to bide her time and not panic. She may need counselling from time to time especially for the next two years. What she really needs is a lot of rest and unconditional love!
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