Astrological Highlights:
Sun in Virgo Neptune in Virgo = Generation which is used to suffering.
Cancer Leo in the first house shows his mass appeal and fatherly (motherly) type of affection he has for his people. With his Head Line joined to the Life Line, he is cautious and will not take many chances in terms of taking new opportunities
He is basically a very practical person but will will try to appeal to the rational. In fact, his chart is similar to President Jimmy Carter, who would be better as a behind the scenes organizer than a leader. As he is too factual and he is dealing with an unethical and unfair world situation, he needs someone else who is a better PR person. His biggest weakness is his critical faculty which may have alienated his team, if you can call it a team.
Politicians want younger generation not because they will have a fresh approach but because they are not aware of the whole story. Yasser Arafat knows all the injustices that have happened with the Palestinian and nobody can fool him into anything. Being in a very difficult position and isolated by his enemies and a hypocrite US policy, he has not surrounded himself with people who are diplomats who know how to work the "system". He is very sincere about his cause but the time and world powers are running against him. However, he started a movement which will lead to a Palestinian state and his people will have some peace of mind after Nov. 2008.
Yasser Arafat has Saturn touching of his sensitive Mars Saturn natal aspect from July 2003 till August 2004. This is a major accident configuration and considering his Moon being touched off adversely by Saturn, points to a lot of hardship for his people and a very stressful aspect for him. He will have depleting health and is susceptible to head related problems including a stroke.
There is a Jupiter Moon aspect in his chart from about Oct. 2004 which is excellent for public response and popularity. However, Princess Diana also had this aspect at the time of her funeral when more than a billion people watched the program on air.
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