Moon opp Pluto (wide) = family upheavals, unforgiving
Mercury in Libra = bright, legal mind, diplomatic
Mercury sxt Venus = verbal eloquence, soft-spoken
Mercury conj Jupiter = literary mind, educated, languages
Mercury conj Uranus = erratic brilliance, shocks/nervous breakdowns
Mercury conj Pluto (wide) = need for control and power, vindictive
Venus in Leo = dramatic, expensive taste, attracted to fameVenus conj
Jupiter = wealthy, lazy, love of luxury and comfort
Venus conj Uranus = erratic and unconventional in love
Jupiter conj Uranus = sudden opportunities, sudden life/death
Saturn conj Moon = depressions, one parent missing
Saturn sq Venus = inhibited in love
Venus conj Uranus = erratic and unconventional in love
Saturn conj Moon = depressions, one parent missingSaturn sq Venus = inhibited in love
Jupiter conj Uranus = sudden opportunities, sudden life/death
Here is the chart of Andrew Phillip Cunanan who shot fashion designer Versace in Florida on 15th July 1997. I got his date of birth from the FBI file on the Internet and feel that he has either Pisces or Libra rising. There is justification for both and we can only go by the little information we have. Without even taking his time of birth into consideration to know his rising sign, his personality is quite clear just from the planets and the aspects between them.
There are two important characteristics which come out very clearly. The first is an extremely intelligent, charming and socially popular personality.
Mercury conjunct Uranus made him extremely intelligent, brilliant to the point of being eccentric. Mercury in Libra sextile Venus made him verbally eloquent and charming. His Venus in Leo (like Michael Jackson, Madonna, Silvester Stallone and Tom Cruise) made him flashy and exhibitionistic; and Venus sextile Jupiter reflected his easy going nature. This is also the classic configuration of easy wealth. He must have been magnetic and attracted a lot of celebrities himself (Venus in Leo sextile to Uranus) and socially popular (Venus sextile Jupiter).
The only adverse aspect of this side of his character is that everything came too easily and his way above normal intelligence made him easily manipulative others and not very hard working. He was too intellectual to work hard and loved luxury and comfort.
Mercury conjunct Uranus is the first indication of an erratic brilliant side but susceptible to nervous breakdowns and sudden shocks.
The second side of Cunanan's character confirms what I have always suspected to be the key characteristics leading to gay tendencies. These are adverse Saturn-Moon and Saturn-Venus aspects. The Saturn-Moon aspect leads to depressions and is indicative of separated parents or one parent missing (especially the father) and a domineering mother who comes in between the affection of the father. The Saturn-Venus aspect makes the person inhibited in love and makes it difficult for them to express their emotions.
Important Factors Found in Charts of Those Who Lead Alternative Life Styles
The combination of adverse Saturn-Moon and Saturn-Venus aspects are the main factors leading to such tendencies. They also usually have a Jupiter-Venus aspect (both Cunanan and Versace had this) which indicates flirtatious and promiscuous behavior. Uranus-Venus aspects increase the unconventional element. Libra rising (Cancer MC like Bill Clinton) will increase the soft looks and feminine traits and Pisces rising is often found in those who have to be very careful of AIDS and other social diseases (Scorpio on the 8th house).
I am not sure of his rising sign but it adds to the complex traits which can lead to "alternative" lifestyles. I did not want to delve into this too much as it affects my thinking but suffice it to say that there are many variations involved in this type of lifestyle. Cunanan's Venus in Leo added to the bold exhibitionistic side and sextile to Jupiter gave him a laissez-faire attitude.
Planetary Transits: Uranus had been touching off his Venus making his love life very unstable, erratic and unconventional. Saturn coming close to his Moon added to the depression which was compounded by Neptune opposing his Venus (acute sadness and romantic idealism). Pluto conjunct Neptune indicates the end of obsessions and intoxication with actors. It is possible that he found out that he had AIDS and lashed out at those who he felt responsible for supporting the root cause of it. The Venus in Leo side of his character could not be ignored and he also felt jilted by a recent breakup.
When Cunanan shot himself in the head, Mars was probably transiting his first house (danger from guns to the head). This is one of the arguments for Libra rising. Moon was in Pisces and he was found in a houseboat near the ocean.
It is unfortunate that he did not find proper outlets as he was getting some fantastic aspects from Uranus, Neptune and Pluto, indicating sudden fame (he had notoriety instead), creative writing (he eluded everyone and made up stories instead), and closeness to Truth. I certainly know a little bit more about the pathological basis of certain types of people and hopefully, we will be able to help them when they are young in coping with their sadness constructively instead of going off on a tangent.
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