by Hassan Jaffer
Moon conjunct Pluto sq Mars: Intensifies feelings but also temper and difficulty is eyesight at night. Upheavals relating to home (final resting place?).
Mars conjunct Jupiter = Taking big chances. Flying. Big projects but overestimating self.
Moon sq Jupiter = Good public response. High ideals.
Venus in Gemini conjunct Neptune and Pluto = Idealistic in love. Very independent and not the traditional marriage type.
Saturn in Scorpio = Dark moods and powerful enemies.
Saturn conj Uranus = Conflict between traditional values and futuristic ideas. Uranus sin 7th (husband died through aviation disaster?).
Earhart's first attempt to circle the earth via the equator ended in a runway crash at Honolulu. Her second attempt began June 1, 1937, with navigator Fred Noonan. Her last recorded radio transmission was on July 2, 1937 . The Lockheed Electra 10E disappeared after takeoff from New Guinea, 22,000 miles into the 29,000-mile journey. The plane was never found, and Earhart's disappearance remains a mystery.
Here is our astrological perspective:
Amelia Hart loved flying and almost courted danger (Mars-Jupiter conjunction). Jupiter aspected to the Moon also indicates high ideals and the fact that she caught the public fancy and was quite popular. On 2nd July, 1937, two things are very clear.
The Moon was in Aries (impulsive actions without much planning) and it was in her 12th House, the most dangerous time when one feels extremely run down and tired. Her reflexes and thinking was definitely not at its best.
Mars was in Scorpio coming close to her Saturn, a major accident configuration, and also Uranus, the hallmark of freak accidents to the head and spine. Princess Diana also had a Mars in Scorpio aspecting her Natal Uranus! It is quite possible that there were powerful enemies who sabotaged her plane, but just the dangerous Mars-Uranus aspect is a disaster for aviation when you are flying yourself. Having two dangerous aspects at the same time as well as Moon in the 12th House, and transiting Neptune still within 6 degrees to her Mars (drowning and nightmares), she was really asking for it. Unfortunately, this reminds me also of Steve Irwin, who also had a Mars-Neptune aspect going on when he had the tragedy in the ocean.
It is quite clear to us that Amelia did not survive the plane crash (Mars-Neptune and Mars-Uranus (aviation disasters and freak accidents to the head and spine), Mars-Saturn (major accident configuration) in Scorpio (self destructive sign) and Moon in the 12th House in Aries (run down and danger to the head area).
I had not looked into this till I saw some snippets in the news that they were trying to solve the mystery. One look at the chart and it is quite clear that she was pushing her destiny and did not care for what happened to her which is typical of major accidents and planets in Scorpio, and she overestimated her own abilities and threw caution to the wind pushing herself and her navigator to a dangerous tragic end.
I noticed some other astrologers giving complete nonsensical analysis about midpoints and her least aspected Sun and Moon, total rubbish! No mention about her Neptune touching off the natal Mars (would have continued for another year at least), Mars-Saturn and Mars-Uranus aspects which are the hallmarks of air crashes and also Moon in the 12th which makes you feel very run down and tired.When you analyze a chart, the truth is always very simple and if someone gives yo complicated theories, you should always be skeptical of their understanding of astrology. Amelia made a mark in the world (Sun in Leo helped her fame as well) but she was independent and lonely at the same time and pushed herself beyond her normal abilities one too many times. Unfortunately, the jaws of destiny were locked the minute she took off from Honolulu that fateful day.
Interestingly, I am also born with a Mars-Jupiter conjunction and used to fly a lot and had some very close calls! I decided to take it easy so I could first finish my mission instead of taking more risks all the time.
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