Although we don't have Alicia's exact time of birth, there are certain aspects of a chart which are not dependent on the time. Here is a quick analysis of the chart of a very talented singer from an age group that is the most philosophical of any.
Here is the chart analysis of a talented singer Alicia Keys. Even her name has "Keys" in it which may be symbolic of her mission. Her most important aspect is a Mercury-Pluto trine, which gives the ability to understand Divine Truth. She is extremely intelligent and quite innovative (Mercury in Aquarius).
Mercury conjunct Mars gives a high voice and Mercury sextile to Neptune in Sagittarius (a very philosophical generation) gives her the talent for blues, jazz, and choirs.
Moon conjunct Jupiter always adds a spiritual dimension and Moon Saturn a touch of sadness, which is very important for depth and soulful quality. Moon Saturn also leads to disappointments and often sadness at home and in the family. She has Venus in Capricorn like Elvis Presley and has very deep feelings. These individuals are rather inhibited in love but have a deeply passionate nature. Venus squared by Saturn (wide) indicates that unless she marries someone who is at least 4 to 7 years older than her, she will be unhappy in marriage.
Although she will have all the material comforts of a big house and mahogany furniture etc., what she really needs to find is true love. She needs to let down her defenses, become less inhibited and not treat love like a project or become a celibate nun. Once she has a child, she will find the true love she seeks as I don't think she will really find the deep love she deserves in any man. She will need to work on keeping the marriage as she subconsciously craves denial to stimulate the inspirational side.
Her lyrics will probably end up changing people's lives and she will definitely bring people closer to truth and love of God (Mercury trine Pluto), which is in fact her true love.
Alicia Keys is a classically trained pianist and has originality as well. Her album, "Songs in A Minor," has been a chart-topper, and the hit single "Fallin'" was nominated for two Grammy's.
The newcomer has been nominated for six Grammy's this year. Her No. 1 smash "Fallin' " has been nominated for the Grammy record and song of the year. "Songs in A Minor" was among 2001's 10 top-selling discs, with 4.1 million albums sold. Keys also has been voted best new artist in a video at the 2001 MTV Video Music
Starting from Aug. 2002 until July 2003, she has excellent opportunities of fame and public response and 2003 will see some of her best works as Jupiter touches off her Mercury.
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