Alexandra Macesanu Tragedy could have been avoided if the police had taken her seriously and not shirked from their responsibility. Unfortunately, she was going through a Mars opp Neptune nightmare aspect by transit which includes danger through kidnapping. Here is a 15 year Romanian got her village as there was a shortage of buses and she gets kidnapped by this 65 old man who had previously killed another girl as well.
I found out through a friend of mine in Bucharest that she was born on 15 Sep 2003.
Here is a look at her chart to get a better understanding of her and what happened.
A very caring and unselfish girl who had four planets in Virgo, indicating a very practical and efficient person.
Alexandra was born with a Mars conj Uranus aspect in Pisces which can be an aspect of choking and also from accidents to the head and spine (Princess Diana was also born with a Mars Uranus conj).
Mars opp Jupiter makes one take chances and she certainly was taking a chance with this 65-year-old man. Mercury sq Pluto makes one violate the divine truth but in her case made her want to save others.
This is a powerful aspect but a negative one where if used properly, it gives you the ability to change the whole system.
I saw a cartoon on her facebook depicting two characters being stabbed and it has a Scorpio theme about it. It also makes you think of life and death matters.
On the positive side, Alexandra will be instrumental in changing the laws of the country and they will also address such crimes because of her and many lives will be saved in the future.
The police chief was fired as it took them 19 hours to respond to her three calls giving her location. We can't imagine the helplessness of the poor girl and her last words were "he is coming, he is coming..." before the phone disconnected.
She was kidnapped while she was still under the Mars-Neptune transit (same as Khashoggi who was murdered by Saudi officials) and Moon in Aries squared her natal Saturn (depression).
Her last call was when the Moon went into the sign of Taurus where it was when she was born and completed a T-square along with Mars opp Neptune.
We don't know her time of birth (which would help us save a lot of others) but even without the time of birth, you can clearly see the danger.
When you are going through an adverse Mars-Neptune transit, you become totally oblivious to danger and your immune system is down.
Nothing justifies such a tragedy but it seems her mission was to save others and this will happen for sure as they change the laws of the country.
You can go to our Homepage and enter your date in the Immune System Calcualtor we put there and warn each other to be aware of the danger when there is a Mars Neptune transit. You can use this calcualtor to find out when you are in a nightmare configuratoin and take precautions and warn others as well. It is an obsessive transit but the form of obsession is your free choice.
These are the type of things we intend to avoid using our non-profit organization Let Kids Dream.
People light candles at a makeshift memorial in Bucharest to commemorate the teen
Here is the article which gives the age groups who are prone to the stressful aspects next and this is the same Mars Neptune transit which repeats itself every few months.
Our prayers are with Alexandra Macesanu and her family who will find some comfort in knowing that thousands of people turned up for her memorial and she will touch the lives of many for generations as they reform the laws in Romania.
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