Horoscope Analysis
By Hassan Jaffer
Sun in Gemini in 11th opp = Mission involves humanitarian work and children (Neptune in 5th).
Moon conj Jupiter = Excellent public response.
Moon square Saturn = Depression. Emotional toughness. Good for acting where you suppress your emotions and smiles! Deadpan face and not smiling that much. Alienation with father. Divorce at home. Need iron.
Moon trine Neptune = Sensitivity to the environment and needs of others.
Mercury in Gemini trine Uranus = Very bright and inventive ideas. Good for marketing also.
Mercury conj. Venus = Eloquent in speech. Well spoken. Writing.
Mercury sq Pluto (wide) = Can violate the divine truth without realizing and not be able to undo the damage. Sarcastic words towards a parent etc.
Venus in Cancer in 12th = Strong maternal instincts but reclusive. Smothering in love.
Venus in Cancer conj Saturn = Unhappiness in marriage. Deeply insecure in love. Needs a lot of affection. Likes older men (father figures).
Mars conj Jupiter in Aries = Daring and adventurous, especially in the roles she is famous for! A lot of travel.
Mars trine Neptune = Excellent for combining physical energy and sense of rhythm. Obsessive tendency but in a positive way.
Neptune in Sag in 5th = Love child. Children will be very humanitarian as well. Love with an actor who is a Sag.
Neptune in Sagittarius = Very philosophical and humanitarian age group). Martin Luther King and Abraham Lincoln were also born with it. Tolerant towards foreign philosophies.
Scorpio on 6th-7th house cusp: Enemies at work and husband may undermine her interests.
Angelina Jolie has Venus close to her 1st house which gives her the charm and beauty. Having Cancer rising makes her close to home but a lot of Leo in the first house as well makes her stand out in the crowd. Angelina Jolie has Venus in Cancer which actually compliments his unemotional Venus in Capricorn. Saturn conj Venus almost makes her like him in terms of a lack of emotional display. She will be a good mother but will go through depressions (natal Moon/Saturn aspect). This aspect also indicates unhappiness in the family (not talking to her father) and made her oblivious to Jennifer Anniston's feelings when she got involved with Brad Pitt.
Jennifer was attracted to him because of his looks and his adventurous spirit but he would have been too reclusive and possessive for her. Angelina Jolie is drawn to him because of his being like a father figure (Venus in Capricorn). However, there are a lot of conflicts in their chart which are sublimated in action movies where are trying to kill each other e.g. in Mr. and Mars. Brown. However, when they are not acting together, this tension and conflict can become real between each other.
In 2005, we wrote for Moon Magic 2006 on page 114 that "July to Oct. 2006 was excellent for commitment and marriage for both Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt. Angelina will disappear from public eye in about two years and keep a low profile (similar to Julia Roberts right now) while Brad Pitt keeps getting more recognition."
This is exactly what happened to both Angelina Jolie and Julia Roberts when they focused more on themselves and their children etc.
Transits Updated June 5, 2013:
in May, Angelina Jolie announced that she had a preventive double mastectomy as she may be carrying the genes for breast cancer.
Astrologically, we discovered something which we only let our clients know in private i.e. our Astro-research regarding the onset of this particular form of cancer. Although most cancer conditions are triggered by stress, we often find a Saturn-Moon adverse aspect preceding this ailment. Saturn-Moon transit makes you feel very depleted and often depressed and it also makes one anemic for the duration of the transit which is usually about one year.
Angelina Jolie wad Saturn touching off her Moon and Venus, both affecting one's moods and affecting love (maybe oxytocin levels due to Saturn Venus also) from Oct 2011 till about Oct 2012. Usually, women notice lumps about 3 to 6 months after this transit is over and not during. In other words, our conclusion is that this was not a pre-emptive action at all but as a result or actual condition being discovered. Moon - breasts (mammary, motherhood etc) and Venus - ovaries. She happens to have Saturn adversely aspected to both. Her Saturn-Venus is offset by here being with Brad Pitt who has Venus in Capricorn (ruled by Saturn).
Our suggestion to everyone is when you have your 12 Month Forecast done, look for Saturn-Moon in red in your report, and start taking a teaspoon of iron, getting more sleep, and eat food containing more iron for the duration. There are certain ways to offset this transit but for more details, please read our full interpretation of this transit
Now she does have the natural configuration for being anemic and also depression (Moon square Saturn) so it was probably a good decision unless she had an astrologer like us to guide her in offsetting the negative aspects! We will be writing more on this configuration and how to offset the negative themes which you are born with. The same configuration is excellent for anything to do with earth and ceramics but you still need more iron as the deficiency is most definitely there. It is interesting how many vegetarians are born with an adverse Moon-Saturn aspect.
Transits Updated Jan 2010:
In our World Predictions, we mentioned both Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt as having an "accident configuration" this year. They both have Saturn squaring their Mars till end of 2010 which makes one very rebellious, headstrong and gives tension on the heart due to frustrations. It is also one of the aspects of legal hassles. However, they are also going through a Jupiter Venus transit this summer so they should try to hang in till after May at least as there will be so many misunderstandings etc before that. Brad Pitt's age group is also going through a real nightmare period till May 2010 (60s age group having Neptune in Scorpio).
Angelina is a very game playing person when it comes to love matters as she is deeply insecure and needs a lot of attention. Yet having a Saturn Venus aspect, she won't show the need for affection but will try to get it indirectly. Brad Pitt is not very demonstrative at all (similar to Elvis and Mel Gibson - both with Venus in Cap) and is not very emotional or sensitive to her needs. Brad Pitt also doesn't like to talk much whereas Angelina has Mercury in Gemini and loves to communicate and be intellectually stimulated.
There is no question in my mind as to the love between them but it is the lack of communication which will create problems, as well as the Saturn Mars temper and things coming to a head in 2010 that may create a lot of tension or even legal hassles between them. Unfortunately, they don't have anyone who can advise them as Brad Pitt is quite reclusive as well.
Jupiter touches off Brad Pitt's Mars also from March 2010 which is an excellent transit to take on many projects and a windfall aspect actually for large construction and land development. He will probably become much more involved with energy conservation. His leaving a beard makes him look even older and more of a father figure and although Angelina likes the quiet authority in him, her need for attention (Leo in the first house as well) and brooding when she doesn't get the attention and affection she desperately needs will all come to a head before summer of 2010.
Angelina Jolie is also going through a depression as well as a mind expansion theme this year (both Saturn and Jupiter aspecting her Moon). She must be very sad for the plight of children around the world and may end up doing more work for orphanages etc. This is actually one of the aspects of pregnancy as well which can offset a lot of negative themes now. Saturn sq Moon makes a person anemic and she needs more iron and rest. Sublimating any sadness with compassion for other will certainly help as well. She has some very bold moves from March 2010 as well when Jupiter starts touching off her Mars and Moon and she will travel and start coming out in the limelight even as she tried to keep a low profile. This transit also indicates depleting health for one of the parents.
Her lowest ebb is from 2012 to 2013 after which she will start coming out in the public much more again for several years. Both Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie have a really positive aspect for love matter in summer and after end Aug 2010. The testing period for her will be from mid-Feb to end Mar and Aug 2010. We hope they can both focus on humanitarian projects otherwise it will affect their relationship for a long time.
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