Danger of Violence is increased when you are either born with an adverse aspect between Mars and Pluto or are going through it by transit.
Any Mars-Pluto negative aspect indicates that you have a tremendous drive but uncontrollable energy which needs to be sublimated in harmless ways.
Your reactions are very hormonal and can lead to dangerous situations.
You always have to be careful how you express your feelings as they may come across as being too intense and radical, and you may provoke a violent reaction.
Your need for action and getting results seems to constantly run into obstacles that are beyond your control.
This inner tension and temper can lead to danger and violent situations.
Mars represents your physical drive and the action-oriented side of your nature. This side of you is impulsive and impatient and wants immediate results.
When Mars makes a negative aspect to Saturn or vice versa (conjunction, square, opposition, etc.), you will experience many delays leading to anger and frustration. The Mars side of your nature wants action whereas Saturn represents everyone who tries to keep you in line or pulls you back saying “no, you can’t do this...”! Obviously, this results in a lot of internal tension if it is not sublimated or resolved through harmless physical activities.
Pluto indicates events and upheaval s that are beyond our control and involve the masses (political, socio-economic, etc.), but are absolutely necessary for one’s growth, or to realize one’s mission in life. Pluto represents radical changes that cause major but gradual psychological transformations. Depending on the house Pluto was in when you were born (or are going through by transit), this is the area of life that needs to be totally re-defined.
• Avoid all violent situations, fights, knives, guns, and explosives.*
• Don't watch violent movies which make you want to act in radical ways.
• Cut down on red meat and drink more water.
• Use destructive energy in physical but harmless work.
• Do landscaping, cutting wood, or lifting weights. Engage in harmless physical activity which is not dangerous or life-threatening.
• Re-evaluate your health habits and
• Make positive changes in your attitude towards health and exercise.
If you are going through this by transit, then events beyond your control like the economy, revolutions, and global events may seem to thwart your goals. Instead of acting in a radical manner, try to redefine your approach or possibly your career direction to accommodate these changes.
By transit, accidents can become very dangerous now. Avoid having surgeries at this time if you can reschedule them.
It is easy to lose your temper now and be out of control. Cut down on red meat and drink more water. Avoid all violent situations, fights, guns, knives, and radical movies. Use destructive energy in physical but harmless work. Re-evaluate your health habits and use this period to make positive long-term changes in your attitude towards health and exercise.
How you deal with a Mars/Pluto aspect determines whether you will be able to control yourself or get into accidents!
If you know someone who is having the symptoms indicated, then try to eliminate or minimize the root cause of their anxiety instead of getting upset if they seem to get angry easily. Learn to diffuse their crisis and not aggravate them even more!
Recognize that you are in a dangerous accident configuration and prone to car or motorcycle accidents.
~ Avoid all violent situations, fights, knives, guns, and explosives.*
~ Don't watch violent movies which make you want to act in radical ways.
~ Cut down on red meat and drink more water.
~Use destructive energy in physical but harmless work.
~ Do landscaping, cutting wood, or lifting weights.
~ Engage in harmless physical activity which is not dangerous or life-threatening.
~ Re-evaluate your health habits and
~ Make positive changes in your attitude towards health and exercise.
~ Drink water (to dilute the enzymes secreted when you are angry, similar to a Mars-Saturn transit).
~ When you are angry, avoid drinking high acidic juices or you may get heartburn.
~ Get involved with some harmless physical activity that is not dangerous.
~ Avoid dangerous spots which could lead to life-threatening situations.
~ Avoid handling firearms and sharp metal objects or be extremely careful with them.
~ Avoid major surgeries unless you have good aspects from Jupiter as well.
~ Be careful of head injuries and heart-related problems. Get a good checkup. Stop smoking. Drink more fluids.
~ Recognize that your temper can be quite destructive if you allow it to explode.
~ Be careful of robberies and fire.
~ There will be more frustration because of opposition and delays in your goals even if has to do with political or global social changes.
If you were born with an adverse Mars-Pluto aspect, then all the qualities mentioned in this article will apply to you all your life.
You will have to be careful of:
~ Uncontrollable temper (need to drink lots of water all the time).
~ Migraine headaches or blood pressure problems. Tumors in the head area. Check with a neurosurgeon if the cause of your high blood pressure is neurogenic hypertension.
~ You will have to be extra careful of car accidents, injuries to the head area.
~ Very rebellious against authority and may also tend to provoke them more.
The position of Mars will indicate where you are accident prone e.g. 1st house = (injuries to self), 2nd house = finances, 6th house = workplace etc.
Afghanistan (country always in war), Antonio Banderas, Bruce Lee (died of cerebral edema), Cher (husband Sony died when he ran into a tree while skiing, Christina Aguilera (possible gives power to her voice!), Dodi Fayed, Drake (raps about violence), Elizabeth Olsen (kidnapped for many years), Genghis Khan (known for his violent wars), Gwyneth Paltrow, Hillary Clinton, JonBenet Ramsey (found strangled at the home basement), Justin Bieber, Justin Trudeau (brother died in an avalanche and never found), Mahatma Gandhi (assassinated by Hindu radical), Martin Scorsese (directed Godfather movies), Muhammad Ali, Natalie Wood (drowned in mysterious circumstances, Oprah Winfrey (was physically abused in early life), Prince George of Cambridge, Princess Diana, Priyanka Chopra (acted out violent situations as an FBI agent using guns in Quantico, Roman Polanski, Shahrukh Khan (acted out violence in movies!), Steven Seagal (acted out violence in movies!).
The following events took place when Mars was making adverse aspects to Pluto in the sky:
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