We hope that you try to understand and really apply the essence of the principles laid out here in your daily life. We will also use it in our seminars on “How to Lead a Balanced Life”.
To be happy in life means something different to everyone, but to be truly fulfilled, you should strive for achieving harmony and balance in life by not ignoring any of your 12 inner needs.
Happiness is easy to find as long as we look for it in simple things of life which are available on a daily basis – looking up at the night sky and finding Jupiter shining brightly, or just holding a little baby’s tiny fingers in your hand.
Everyone is born with 12 needs or “themes” as I call them, which have to be satisfied in positive ways for you to feel fulfilled. These themes are fundamental to human nature and motivate you in your actions. They represent your needs in life and along with the area where you seek to fulfill them, become your driving force. Habits are formed because some needs are linked to the pleasure centers of the brain and can lead to overindulgence.
The need to love, to share, to achieve, to be recognized, to be of service, to feel stable, to have emotional security are all basic needs that everyone is born with.
Your basic needs remain the same e.g. happiness, need for caring etc., but the activity which fulfills each theme is unique to each individual. For example, getting the piano tuned brings happiness to the music lover but a decrease in interest rates makes the land developer happy.
There are 12 areas where each need can be fulfilled. For example, you may find emotional security through your home or your partner or through your work. In Part 1 of this article, we will focus on experiences which are common to everyone and can easily bring fulfillment in one’s life.
There are twelve different areas where each of your needs may be satisfied e.g. everyone needs emotional security (#4 theme), but there are twelve areas you can find it. For one person, it may be in their home, for another it could be their work or their children and for someone else, it could be having money in the bank. Similarly, you may feel proud (#5 theme) because of your career, your home, your famous spouse, your dramatic children, or because you drive a Jaguar.
There are 144 possible combinations (12 themes and 12 areas to fulfill them) and we will try to publish them all in another article.
Although there has never been any systematic effort to put all the 12 needs together and how to offset them in positive ways, some of them have been written about in some form or another in all cultures.
Difference Between East and West: The West has been preoccupied with achievement and goal setting (#10 theme) or gold, glitter and glamour (#5 theme) whereas the East has focused on Family (#4 theme) or Spirituality (#9 and #12 themes).
Some Needs are not as obvious or as immediately gratifying. In fact, they can cause a lot of unhappiness if misunderstood or not sublimated properly. For example the search for Truth and your mission, craving for denial to stimulate your inspirational side, or the need to save others which can lead to hanging on to lost causes!
Some themes are destined and lead to fated events that are beyond your control and you should learn to accept them because they make you aware of your mission in life.
Although most of the themes, their timing and duration are all predestined, how you offset them is your free choice to a great extent.
Each one of your 12 themes corresponds to an inner need, so you have the qualities of every theme present within you.
Your 12 themes correspond to the 12 inner needs within you
Your #5 theme drives you to seek recognition and fame, the #1 side of your personality pushes you into action and the #12 theme into spirituality, music or other forms of escapism.
First, we have identified your inner need, then given you some simple ways to stimulate and offset your basic needs. We have given you the positive results of satisfying your themes and also shown what happens if you stimulate them to an excessive degree. The number which describes a “theme” is given besides that need.
Learn to experience and satisfy all your twelve needs in positive ways on an ongoing basis!
If you deprive yourself in one area, you will try to compensate for it in other areas. Neglecting even one of your needs or focusing on one at the expense of the others can lead to disharmony in your life, with the resulting stress ultimately passed on to those who are closest to you.
Take a good look at your lifestyle and use this article to identify which needs are being neglected and which ones are you putting too much emphasis on. Use our explanations as a guide to satisfy your needs in a positive manner. I am sure you will find all kinds of positive way to sublimate your needs.
Most people in their own business become workaholics (#10 theme of achievement) and take on so many responsibilities that they don’t even have time to spend a few hours with their loved ones.
Once they realize that other themes are being neglected, they can plan to reduce their workload, spend more time with their family and children, join a nice health club and change their values to include the intangible world of fantasy rather than focusing only on material acquisition.
You should re-evaluate your life from time to time and not lose sight of your original goals. Following your inner needs and satisfying them in positive ways will give you the inner peace which can only be achieved by leading a balanced life.
By knowing which activity you enjoy most, you can find out what is your motivating theme. You might even find out why you keep meeting certain people more frequently as that person might stimulate and satisfy some basic theme within you!
Compatibility between two people is basically two people satisfying most of each other's themes in positive ways!
Happiness is not a subject with any hard and fast rules or an exact number of steps, even though we may have used these to organize the important ideas in a structured way.
What would make you happier...watching a comedy or a tragic movie which brings tears of compassion in your eyes? What if both gave the same amount of pleasure?!
The expression “Happiness is a state of mind” assumes there is only one state. One definition and the goal of happiness may be – the positive fulfillment of all your inner needs. In other words, happiness is only one part of leading a balanced life.
I will let you figure it out yourself...but there is no excuse for not trying! And if at first, you don’t succeed, move on to the next theme!
Simple Ways to Stimulate and Satisfy Your 12 Needs
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Indpeth Report Discover your Strengths, Talents, Limitations, attitude towards Love, Money and also How to Offset Negative themes.
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