The Constellations are clusters of Stars which were named by the Ancients. The Sun's apparent path around the Zodiac is called the Ecliptic. All the planets move very close to this path (a little above and a little below). This is the Highway of the Planets (Wanderers in Greek) and is called the Zodiac.
Although there are many Constellations in the Zodiac, we divide this belt into Twelve Signs of the Zodiac starting from 0 degrees Aries. This occurs about the 21st of March each year when the Earth and Sun's apparent path cross each other (Vernal Equinox) and the day and night are equal.
Here are some other important terms to help you prepare for our next article on dreams.
The center is the Celestial Horizon and at the top is the MC which is the noon position for the Sun every day i.e. the highest position it reaches in the sky. This is also the cusp of the 10th House and the whole 10th House represents fame and recognition. When Saturn transits the top of one's chart, it is the zenith of one's career and you can be either famous or infamous depending on whether you truly deserve it or have gone through many shortcuts to get there!
In the center is the Earth and the outside of the chart represents the Ecliptic or the apparent Sun's path and the Zodiac but not the actually constellations as we take the signs of the zodiac starting at zero degrees of Aries instead of the actual constellations.
Tropical and Sidereal Zodiac: In Indian system of astrology, they claim to take the actual constellations but they really don't as they take 30 degree segments for each sign whereas the constellations are totally uneven, some being much monger than the rest. It is the starting point of Aries which only changes and most Indian astrologers themselves do not realize this. This starting point of Aries, which is fixed in the Western or Tropical Zodiac, keeps changing every 220 years or so in the Indian system or the Sidereal Zodiac. Instead of 21 March being zero Aries, their system keeps going backwards as they tie their system to the zero degrees of the constellation of Aries but the rest of the houses are taken without any regard to the stars at all.
Transit of Planets: Your natal chart is a picture of the planets at the time your birth. Obviously the planets do not stop moving when one is born and we refer to their movement around the belt of the Zodiac as the “transits”. Transit of a planet is simply the movement of a planet around your chart. A transits reflects your experiences and lasts only for the duration of the planets stay at a certain degree. For this duration, you will act as if you were born with the inclination reflected by the planetary aspect. For example, you may be going through an adverse Mars/Neptune transit in which case you will be obsessed with what you do. You will also become prone to intoxication through drugs, alcohol or music etc.
As the planets transit, they move in a counter-clockwise manner around your natal chart. During their transit, they make different angles to their natal position i.e. the degree they occupied at the time of your birth. These angles are called “aspects” and they have been found to reflect our changing experiences in life. The natal planets are given inside your chart and the transits are outside the circle.
Here is the chart of President Obama during the 2008 US Election which we had predicted for him to win in a landslide.
Are There Any Good or Bad Planets? There are certain aspects which represent harmonious events while others indicate tests, trials, difficulties or sadness in life. However, it is important to recognize that the transits of the planets simply reflect your inner needs. Saturn represents your need to strengthen your foundations while Uranus indicates your urges to be free from all restrictions. Similarly, the transit of Neptune coincides with your craving for sadness and denial in order to stimulate your inspirational, artistic, musical or spiritual side.
There are no “good” or “bad” transits. We all go through ups and downs of life, but the key to happiness is to sublimate your feelings and understand the reasoning behind events, regardless of how sad or traumatic they appear. A fantastic opportunity or “luck” element may develop when Jupiter makes some aspect to your natal planets, but you have to lay the groundwork beforehand to capitalize on it.
In your natal chart, the symbol for the planet is given first, then its degree, then its sign of the Zodiac and then the minutes. You can ignore the degrees and minutes for now and just focus on the planet and its sign. For example, if Mercury is 15° 9" of Leo, it will be written as 15° Leo 9" (with the Leo symbol instead of the letters).
Aspect = an angle between two planets which you are born with. Usually, you are born with a certain aspect e.g. an adverse Mars/Neptune aspect which gives an inclination towards drugs, alcohol or intoxication with music etc.
If you are born with a certain aspect between two planets, it indicates a susceptibility for life! Therefore, if you have an adverse aspect between Mars and Neptune, you are much more likely to be prone to addictions than someone experiencing it only for a short duration by “Transit”.
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